SplashDamage's New Website

In the case you didn't know yet, I just want to make you aware that SplashDamage, developers of our beloved game, released a new website lately.

It's good looking for my taste. ET is displayed at the frontpage and the visitors get easily linked to the full download (2.60) and the update (2.60b). There is a nice game preview with screens and system specs.

quakewars is shown on the frontpage :)
I mean the right banner at the bottom ;p
looks nice
They may aswell stop existing.
Noooo... they must fuck up RTCW 2 before!
They are not working on RTCW, ET or QUAKE at the moment, new Intelectual property using the Doom 3 engine (most likely), so a totally new game.
woot! sweet
wow this page sucks
i lol'd just seen this posted in the fourms on SD :

lol... this reminds me my first walljump! I was so excited! xDDDDDDDD
I somehow doubt that the Windows download that is dated May 28, 2003 9:27pm CST is v2.60. They had the same thing on their old web, and never corrected it although it was pointed out to them repeatedly. :P

I like the new design though. :)
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