new, brilliant map

Strw and me were thinking... and well, we kinda thought that ET was boring and that we need more and better maps! :] At the moment strw is working on it, but he can't 'construct' my ideas (to dumb =D (yea I'm to dumb to write proper english :P ))

my idea's:

- A mobile ammo/health cabinet, which means an ammo/health cabinet on the truck! =)
- A ammo/health cabinet under water, where deathly tanks swim! (<--- *no comment* =D)
- Allies need to steal a 'pizza-prescription' (the manual/guide for the making of the BEST PIZZA EVER) (<--- yes im hungry at the moment ^^ )
- any other brilliant ideas you can come up with!

tbh the first idea would kinda be nice to see in a map, the second + third is random bullshit :P

see you @ cdc4! :]
lold :D
a giant wall w We all love Fab infront of evry spawn ?
Yea, i'm all for new maps 'n shit but your ideas are pretty much the most retarded things i've heard in a while.

""Allies need to steal a 'pizza-prescription' (the manual/guide for the making of the BEST PIZZA EVER)"

Pizza, ww2, pizza.. lulwut?

Keep tryin tho :P
soldiers need to live too! =D the pizza gives them abnormal powers and stuff! :D
ubersoldat? :o
'No rambo, we don't need you anymore, we have the pizza now'
lol the pizza idea roxx :D
rofled @ teh pizza
otherwise sounds cool but dunno about the swimming deadly tanks :)
Yes, cabinets are very important.
pizza idea = nice idea ;)
et need new maps agree. but the rest is kiddobullshit
pfft no it's not! wanna bet that someday a map will have a pizza objective :P
worst ideas ever, no health/ammo cabinets > all
oh noez, the axis are developing a weapon that kills all cat pics with one button!
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