etqw demorecording

so i want to render some frags I made in etqw, i type the line:
rendernetdemo “area22-gab 30 810000 858000” (from 14.30 to 13.50 minutes) to render the frag but all it says is: "usage: rendernetdemo [name] (fps) [start time] [stop time]" does anyone know what the problem could be?
thx for ur help
shouldnt it be from 13.50 to 14.30
ye meant that
rendernetdemo "demoname" frameRate start end
1. it wouldnt work with the demoname
2. its kinda confusing if u dont know that the minute 20 is the frame 0
well first of all, there mustnt be a - _ or whatever in the demo, so just give it a name without any special shit

then the minute 15 or 20 (dunno how long u play one map) is the frame 0 so if u wanna record from 20mins to 19:30mins the command should look like rendernetdemo name 30 0 30000
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