[PL] Metalmania 2008

Ktos z was jedzie w tym roku do Spodka na Metalmanie? :) Sklad o dziwo(w porownaniu do tych z ostatnich kilku lat) zajebisty, ja juz bilecik i zapewniony dojazd mam, teraz czas jakis nocleg skombinowac :D


image: plakat_Metalmania_2008
o fu korwa czego ty sluchasz :CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
satyricon and marduk are the only thing that would make me go there
this flyer looks ubercrappy!
yeah it sucks hard but the bands own
I will learn polish one day!
Zrobcie pogo w blocie machajac jednoczesnie swoimi tlustymi wlochami i nakopcie sobie glanami do dupy.
Nie mam glanow ani dlugich wlosow :( i co teraz?
to jestes mentalnym brudasem :(
Vader \o/
wow, a festival from the last century
Jedziemy jedziemy ;D

satyricon have changed since realese of mother north :)
verry significanlty
only a bit :P ( :) pozdrow Anie :D )
\ o > yes sir !


Young hearts born with grief
Shall pay the penalty of truth
A season of stolen youth
Shall teach old hearts to break

It feels like I've been here before
Here where the animals lay down to die
So we stood alone on a distant store
Our broken spirits in rags and tatters

Nerve and muscle, heart and brains
Lost to Ireland, lost in vain
So you pause and you can almost hear
The sounds, they echo down through the ages
The creak of the burial cart
Here in humiliation and sorrow
Not mixed with indignation
So one is driven to exclaim
Oh god, that bread should be so dear
And human flesh so cheap*

Young hearts are born with such grief
And we have paid the penalty of truth
A season of our stolen youth
Shall teach our hearts to break

*Taken from a memorial to the dead at a mass grave in Skibereen, Co. Cork

"Between the years 1845 and 1849 a famine ravaged Ireland and over 3 million people were lost to a combination of starvation and emigration
I said once before the history of my land is a litany of tragedy and blood, these four years represent possibly the greatest tragedy the
country has endured. It still hangs over Ireland and set the tone for Irish people to leave Ireland shores to the present day. The coffin
ships themselves were what the ships that set sail for America in search of a new and better life were called. It's with this song we honour
the memory of this great tragedy and those poor souls who lost their lives."
satyricon and marduk :O thats gonna be big !

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