
anybody experienced this?

I'm not often sick but now I am
it hurts like hell if I want to swallow,drink,eat

It's some kind of gland fever
My tonsils are fucked (white spots on it ) , furthermore headache, cold/warm ( normal fever symptons )

being in bed with pain and not being able to sleep sux ass

its a bitch, i had mine all burneded out >:D
yes, as if you're the first one to get sick like that.
well, normally i'm never sick :o
We from crossfire honestly dont give a fuck about this

Dude you have the flu no need to make a journal about it!
thx for passing by
Worst things happen at sea.
i live nearby, yes
lol got same atm :<
brr.. cold
since how long, is it curing?
i have had this many times before, visited my doctor, he gave me antibiotics(?) called VPEN 1000, penisillin or something. it helps. and normal aspirin for the fever. the bad thing is, that i have to go to surgery where they remove tonsils(?) and after that its gonna hurt like hell. thou you dont need to worry about that, since this is the first time u have this. like 10th for me already in the past 4 years :X
hoping it's a one-time thingie for me :s is that possible?
how long does it take to cure it once btw?
also taking some random antibiotics

ahh, friend of myn was in clinic for a week to remove them
But after the pain, you won't ever have it again
attentionwhore (!!!)
just a reason to escape the almighty vanhove afaik
had it before?
salt water will not result in further inspection or burn of the white?
ive been ill for about 2 weeks now, but i think its getting better... pfff right before cdc =D
had that, just recovered, was sick for about a week, 1 day i had a pretty high fever & puking, otherwise same symptoms as you..
coldrex really helps, dunno if its available to you with the same name though
image: Coldrex-MaxGrip1
Good mate =] thinking of buying a new computer! how about you?
;-) 8D <3
shouldn't you let them be removed when it happens that often?
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