CDC and keyboards?

Well i don't have a keyboard because i'm gaming on a notebook.. are there any crappy keyboards there already? or do i rlly need to bring my own :<?
logitech 10€ cherry keyboards
They should have keyboards, dont trust anything I say though. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Yeah i'm looking forward to it also :).
Keyboard: Logitech ultraX - mh?
i left it @ my parents.
logitech g15 :=)
Wireless keyboards should work without any problem right?
let's all take wireless keyboards!
thx :) i'm gonna honk @ you with my trekker
wich team youre playing with ?
Team-coolermaster @ etqw :)
ah you play qw :>
There are keyboards you can use
keyboards avi there
The keyboard are fine and look like this :


edit: You have to request it at wzzrd afaik ( it was in a newspost ) since the last time some keyboards / mice were fuckedup.
There are keyboards/mice/headsets, though they are regular crappy gear.
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