1. Is anyone leaving Berlin on Friday (morning 11:00-13:00) to Enschede? (29.feb)
2. Is anyone having these Bahn bonuses to get cheaper train tickets?
Atm Berlin-Enschede ~80Eu.

Thanks in advance.

Some delicious berliners for you:

image: dscf2486
good luck in berlin
if u're in berlin, go to city-area 'berlin-kreuzberg' and shout 'scheiss türken' as loud as u can.

it means 'need a student to help me out for buying train tickets'
ok.. thats just NOT FUNNY.
kreuzberg is quite large tbh and only a part of it is full with "Türken", some parts of kreuzberg are quite nice tbh. at least that's the impression i got and what i was told when i've been in Berlin (and we even had a hostel somewhere in kreuzberg!)
poor u. just get a cheap lst minute flight maybe?
kind of unreal! Should I come to desk and ask them "do you have 'last minute' tickets to Amsterdam?"? 8D
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