retarded muslims

as if anyone wants to listen to that language for 6min
Bunnies with helium voices are serious business

"But of course, we're not terrorists". Allright, I wonder what's terrorism then, if using terror to make people do what muslims want is not..
retarded cliche
Well i gotta say that the danes were really stupid to publish it again... why mock someones belifs.
Yeah... we sure are stupid, us Danes.
Yeah, all Denmark people are stupid.. Saying that all muslims are terrorists... Generalizations like that are retarded, you should be ashamed of yourself.
That was my point.
Free speech, its a terrible thing, shouldn't be allowed.
So i could hang out the queen of england as a prostitute without hearing your country complaing about killing me ?
Thats not the point. Its free speech, maybe its best if people keep their opinions to themselves sometimes, but its their right to be able to say what they want. If they were denied it, where do you draw the line? At what the government lets you say? or..? Just my view.

Tbh i wouldn't care if you said that btw! guess a lot of people would though :p
What i wrote could easily be compared to what they did to the profet muhammed.
ye some cartoons about a bearded paedophiliac gives terrorists the right to kill people
imo they should publish such a cartoon every day -.-
salam alaikum
And on you be peace.
its retarded to make fun of moslims, just as you will find me retarded if i make "fun" of belgians. and no, its not the fun you see on cf towards belgians, im talking about real hate
Both belgians and muslims deserve to be made fun of.
ye its ok, but the problem is that the fun became hate all of a sudden
I AM belgian I HATE YOU from now ;)
i hate you and i dont even have to know/care that your belgian :D
you are retard Mr.Sneek respect the muslims they will respect you fucking tard ..
the thing no-one really takes into account about this vid is this :

youre taking the word of whover posted the vid on youtube that its really whats getting translated....

you want to believe its what he's saying, so you can continue the hate.
It was translated by some organisation in middle east studies or something. It's not only been shown on youtube.
Looking at speeches by Iran's retard in charge... err... the president, western media often mistranslates what is said, not intentional, but they don't even bother getting it right.
i speak arab and its true what they said =(
ban allah pls
fucking pricks. theres a show on tomorrow on bbc about white people and Christianity becoming wiped out in britain in so many years by so many immigrants coming here.
Here's the rub... Governments control 80% of the world's oil, and governments go to war. The biggest war in the history of the world-- The War on Oil-- has already begun, and most of us don't see it.Countries USA has bombed since WW2
China 1945-46
Korea 1950-53
China 1950-53
Guatemala 1954
Indonesia 1958
Cuba 1959-60
Guatemala 1960
Belgian Congo 1964
Guatemala 1964
Dominican Republic 1965-66
Peru 1965
Laos 1964-73
Vietnam 1961-73
Cambodia 1969-70
Guatemala 1967-69
Lebanon 1982-84
Grenada 1983-84
Libya 1986
El Salvador 1981-92
Nicaragua 1981-90
Libya 1986
Iran 1987-88
Libya 1989
Panama 1989-90
Iraq 1991-2002
Kuwait 1991
Somalia 1992-94
Croatia 1994 (of Serbs at Krajina)
Bosnia 1995
Iran 1998 (airliner)
Sudan 1998
Afghanistan 1998
Yugoslavia 1999
Afghanistan 2001-02
Iraq every other day…
150,000 civilians have been killed since the United States and Britain invaded Iraq almost five years ago.

its not all one way, despite what you'd like to believe.
what pisses me off even more, is the fact our idiot british government sends our young men to die in the name of an "alliance" with america, when they couldnt give a fuck about us or anyone apart from themselves tbh.
Hmm sure, what do china, korea and vietnam have to do with oil?
Well they supported the Afghan rebels with weapons in the Cold War to get the Soviets out of there for the main reason to get a pipeline connection for example..
but the americans gave the afghan rebels the same guns to fight the russians as theyre using on our troops today.... the irony :<
I don't think its Oil.
What happens when the Oil runs out? The western governments have new technologies we don't even no about already set in place im sure of it.
there are many ideas of alternative energy,but they are not ready for application yet
So they say. There talking shit
We won't run out of oil anytime soon.
And most wars are about oil. Even France's ex-president Chirac said:
"For example, safeguarding our strategic supplies (...) are, among others, interests that must be protected."
Implying that France would use nukes to attack countries like Iran if they stopped supplying France with oil.
I hope they wont take over Haifa =(
I live there :O
you leave there ?
what do you mean?
i will never leave Haifa =D
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