warsow > et

Played warsow for a few days now, and tbh it owns ET big time. I really don't understand why it only has such a small playeramount / community :( The gameplay is awesome, the graphics are cool, the leveldesign is brilliant for fast movement, the weapons feel sexy, etc...

I just played 2 hours of Warsow, and then I joined an ET server, and I was like "damn, this game is rly shit compared to warsow, shitty hitboxes, shitty slow gameplay, kiddy retards spamming around like inbreds, etc...".

Isn't there any way Warsow can be promoted more throughout the community?
it feels like shit after cpma + it's gets boring in 2 weeks

the most overrated game ever - you'll see
cpma doesnt have the walljump, which pwns :D
plz walljump is soo random
#warsow.pickup for best pickup games ;)
players are the same in every game... the little I have played cod4, it feels like the enemies in there whine 4 times more than any ET enemies ever
true, if you're owning someone with ur nadelauncher they're all like "OMG OMG TUBENOOB TUBENOOB YOU ARE A TUBENOOB OMG OMG"

always puts a big smile on my lolface :P
the grenade launcher is very unskilled in cod4 its the equivalent of using a panzer on an ET public
m8, that's what pubs are for :D
dude, everything is unskilled in cod4
ever played Q4? Dunno if i can call it a real community, but those people > *
q4 is crap anyway
I know better than not to try bad games :)
thats your opinion :P
You can't honestly think that Q4 is a better game than Q3? :<
No I didn't say that, I was talking about the ET / Q4 players, they aren't the same like Spirea says :P
not realy ET its the best game yet
go play cpma..
ca mod at pub ownz :)
yeah and you know what cg_oldmovement 1 (or something like that)
and duel is teh nicest thing around ( alot of strats ).
you can do some nice tj. CTF is rly intense if played on ts and not on public, didn't try tdm yet should be fun 2.
But CPMA is less random (the movement, i mean circle strafe + double jump + slide + walljump,)

but now how the fuck do you compare a duelgame to a teamplay game? and about the playerbase, peeps just download the game paly it on pubs get bored, if they try duel they mostly don't have the courage 2 continue playing ( 2 hard ). Most of them just want an easy game like ET.
yep warsow is awesome but could u delete that pic from your profile?
it gets boring after few days
it sux, especially for 100 pinger greeks like me, the hitboxes are like 1 meter behind the model
cpm > wsw
downloaded 0.32 -> played it -> got bored -> uninstalled it

shit game
cpm > wsw
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