toxic nice fuckup

Ok so my blog of the first day at the LAN.

Wales Sqzz and England Sheep met me at Chester train station and we started the trip, a flight that seemed to go up and then straight back down and we were in Amsterdam. Met England crumbs at the car rental and then oddly enough ran into England West, England R0SS and England Tyyrd outside the toilets in the terminal. After a long wait England Bulldog and Sweden Ferus showed up and we started the journey to Enschede. We made it safely enough despite bulldog taking a slight detour onto the hard shoulder whilst chatting and not watching where he was going :)

Once we got to the wzzrd center the drinking began, a poker tournament quickly was under way with me, Netherlands Ronner, Netherlands Frop, Ireland Sol, Estonia Night, Sweden Ferus, Ireland Herbal (highly stoned), Malta Toxic all playing, cant tell you how that finished because it went on for hours until we got kicked out of the wzzrd center about 4 this morning. Personally i was pretty wrecked and got a hangover from Hell this morning.

Got back to the cabins to find England Sheep in bed with England Pansy, she seemed to be thrilled to be there :) Eventually we all settled down to bed only to be woken up by Malta Toxic puking his guts up all over the cabin all night. Managed to have a freezing cold shower this morning and head into the lan center, Toxic quickly stopped outside the lan center to puke again this morning, seems though 5 or 6 pints last night were too much for him..... no comment

COD4 is just kicking off and we have to all try and stay sober until after our game which is unfortunately not till 11:30 this evening :(
hahaha Maltese : DDDD
lol, seems like tox got the right attitude! :D keep it up m8!, and suprise was that IrelandHerbal @ weed lol
nice, seems like you are having a great time
lul toxic :D
Lan's just starting and Toxic is already rockin'
nice toxic :D

mike gibbs aka playa ?
it had nothin to do with drinkin, im sicky wicky :( got ze flu

if i pause today u know why, still gna keep on drinkin to proove that it wasnt the drinkin that put me down.

great morning so far... pukin twice, gettin my bollocks frozen at the cabins, havin a warm shower, being put in the trunk of evo's car, puking just about as im gna enter the lan centre, the puke outside isnt mine, i sweear!
"still gna keep on drinkin to proove that it wasnt the drinkin that put me down."

you'll be really messed up later this day :D
Why should you prove that and if it was the alcohol what should be the problem shit happends mate.
Agreed! If you need a low dose to get drunk you save money, right? :P Nothing bad about that :)
You save money also but whats the point to prove it wasnt alcohol
No point, but some people think they're god-like when they can drink more than others.
"being put in the trunk of evo's car" hah ;P
toxic... how comes im not suprised? the flu - yes of course ;)
poor u :< hope u still pwn them all toXic!!1
maltaman !!!
you see these guys are not used to drink
haha toxic you mongrel retard :D
be sure not to miss me today guys! i want to have hot buttseckz with all of you
shall we go to cdc5?
will you come?
I'm here allready.... :pp cu at next cdc
you cant be at cdc5
u should get that all action to video ;p
uwejja toxic :S come on 4 birra hafna ghalik! :S jesus! ghandi 14 u nixrob iktar :/

qumm min hemm ejja ha townja ghamilna unur!
uxe gbin, ma kinitx minhabba ix xorb injorant, adek qas taf kemm niflah, qas kont tipsy ilbierah jigifieri zgur alla ma kinitx minhabba x-xorb. jina din il gima kelli d-deni d-dar u qadt id dar, ma mortxx skola.
ara... mela malti? :D
basta bil bandira ta linglizi xD

btw int kont tlajt il clublan?
maltese is a language with lots of x :x
that looks like some star trek language
sry sexy, qieghed bla pc.

qieghed fuq il laptop tohti!

ghandu id deni miskin teighi...

nahseb no gaming weekend gejja ;S
i am so looking forward drinking some Amstel

image: brand_amstel

you should try hertog jan
Amstel is shit, just like heineken.

better buy some belgain beer it owns dutch beer, try Duvel or Jupiler
i am german dont tell me about beer..
"Got back to the cabins to find Sheep in bed with Pansy" jinosta going to be verrry happy :DDDD
from 6 pints only?
he hacked my account the fucker
byhyy oon myös läski
byhyy oon myös läski
byhyy oon myös läski
i thought the same ;o who knows, and like i said, EnglandSheep likes angry sex with Maltamales so dunno ;<
My pansybear!!!! nooooooooo! Rapage! [=
Real Name: Lauren

thats a girlname?
This day doesn't exist everything what you do and see now is your imagination playing games with you.
look at gallery
i see foto of shhep .....and i loled :DDDD evo stop lies :D
no lies :P
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