4n0th3r CDC j0Urn4l. ( DUTCH + MALTEES ALLOWED )

Huh? NetherlandsCDC journal, ok gotta admit i'm still at Netherlandshomez. Leaving in 45 minutes to Belgiumxfrds Netherlandshouse. Belgium+2xNetherlandsWe'll meet up their with zeh United States of Americaalmighty Netherlandsperfo.
After leaving for NetherlandsUtrecht by train, we'll enjoy the nice Netherlandslandscape in zeh train. In Utrecht we'll meet up with 2x BelgiumBelgiums. Better knows as BelgiumIsen:xL ( THE REAL ONE YES ) and Belgium.X.! There's a small change we'll get to see NetherlandsSeigen/Prozet there too, since he's a Germanylazy United Kingdombastard.
In NetherlandsEnschede we'll meet up with the United States of Americaalmighty Netherlandsjoeri and Netherlandsmikey. We're also hoping that Austriaspho has safely made it to NetherlandsHolland. Since he drove [flag=VanessaHudgons] a 1000 miles this Estonianight.
This evenings we'll face 2 [flag=urtier] HUGE opponents, OMAnonymousG so nervous.

Anywayz cu in a [flag=Kitty&Wesbo] couple of hours.

2manyflags4me Anonymous = [flag=ee ]
hf atemi, nice read :DD
[flag=urtier] HUGE opponents

you're lame.
you fail in your flags
better give me some shoutouts m8! gl!
thnx, I will try to remember to give you a shoutout :-D
perfos brother will not be there?
Veel succes mannen, ik zal voor jullie duimen!
Stop die duim maar in mijn reet, helpt veeeeeeel beter.
Ik kan niet zo goed tegen warmte... :[
I love your flags.
minn 3-5 privat

eee you mean sa ma jsiru 3 hux

le le gar, irrid naghmel xi haga pc studies qabel.. ghandi exmas jien
gaat er vanuit 0172 dan een trein naar utrecht :s ?
it's vanessa carlton!
cu @ Belgium xfRd's house! i hope his Austria mother is there as well!
xfrd mom > *
is she hot? tell me.
according to Netherlands atemi she is a hot Austria milf. I only saw her with [flag=scorch] bathcoat on though. (i rang Netherlands their door at United Kingdom midnight (spikage))
Italyn1ce ! plz Anonymouswe need pictures of Austriaher!
Quotele le gar, irrid naghmel xi haga pc studies qabel.. ghandi exmas jien
Malta foxx' ommok
gl hMg :)
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