Lost 4x05 The Constant

Sure issssssss
I'm going to watch 4x04 now ;)
it really was a great episode :O explaining some stuff now, more and more each episode! keeep it coommiingnggg. liked the headfuck bit though, where pennys dad was buying the first mates log from the ship thats on the island hehe. never fails to keep ya thinking....
*spoileralert* spot on - so i guess pennys father might now be the financial background behind the others than .... :O
rly ?

i thought he bought a book of shipmates log from old ship around 1400 1500 maybe their is something in the log of the island
no, he bought the log from the "black rock" , the old sailing frigate thats already on the island. im guessing it has vital info about the rough whereabouts of the islands location, he is the money man, and this is how he found the island.
lol i just told you on icq you *schnarchnase*
one of the best lost episodes ever
at 3_11 atm, started 5 weeks ago :)
kinda strange episode but surely explained many things
one of the better episode's
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