q3 server availiable

will be unused alot of the time so feel free to use it, ill ask for it back if i need it for cup game or practice and your on it :)

mod: cpma1.45

name: x3m-servers.net - #[email protected]
location: netherlands

/connect; password nvc

useful commands:
/callvote gameplay cpm
/callvote gameplay vq3

(eswc 1v1 (vq3) maps)
/callvote map pro-nodm9 / pro-q3dm6 / pro-q3tourney4 / ztn3tourney1 / hub3aeroq3

(commonly used cpm 1v1 maps)
/callvote map cpm1a / cpm3a / cpm15 / cpm22 / cpm24

aim map: /callvote map q3amphi.pk3

have fun :) #nvc
i uninstalled it in an attack of downs

1) where to grab q3 iso? (got key written down, smart as i am :O)

2) will that funny q3 patch/map/misc- tool that was introduced a few days ago do the rest for me?

i really cba to download all updates, osp's, cpm's and whatever again :s
you just need pak0.pk3, then the program does the rest :)
how social of you, gratz!
useful commands:
/callvote gameplay cpm
/callvote gameplay vq3 !!!!!!
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