obama vs. clinton[fantasy-language+ger+eng+esp+ita+fr+por allowed]

who will win? discuss

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Obama over Clinton, Clinton is a biatch.

Ron Paul over all the other candidates, but that ain't happening I guess.
Dunno but what I do know is that Obama is getting way 2 much attention.
clinton fucked everyone to get their vote...

-> clinton voters = clintonfuckers !!!

obama ftw
Meh, why even try to follow politics in a country dumb enough to think that political views fall into only two categories.

Doesn't matter who gets in really, fucked either war. Liberals have the best history for keeping down expenditure and just generally being less retarded.
obama hopefully
As far as I am concerned the battle between Obama and Clinton is over. Obama won. McCain noticed this as well:

not mutch clue about em, but i like obama
Obama -x-
obama. i am 100% sure.
If Obama doesnt win

i want him to become a stand up comedian
obama, I don't like women in high places
Why do you want a black president for president of US?
Are you a racist ?
Why black president would be better than white ?
at first..."are you a racist?" ... I AM FUCKING WHITE and i want a black for president...how does that make me a racist?

but for real:
the white americans find thereselfs superiour to the blacks (not everyone ofcourse. just the rednecks...). a black president would show that the gap between blacks and white is getting smaller. so maybe the rednecks could respect the backs more. same goes for females... lots americans feel that females are not ment to have high functions, and i think a female president would punch that in the ground...

ps. you only say that i am a racist because i want a black as a president. you dont mention me wanting to have a female president... so it you who is judgemental! stfu plz
Your post is naive and plain stupid and shows that you have no idea how politics work.

Quotethe white americans find thereselfs superiour to the blacks (not everyone ofcourse. just the rednecks...)

How do you know that ?
You dont live in america and as far as I know Holland is not a state of U.S

Quotea black president would show that the gap between blacks and white is getting smaller.

So the professionality and the suitability to be a president doesn't count anymore. Nowdays the skin colour AND GENDER matters ?

You are a horrible person and a racist.
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