.... life ....

" Life is just an illusion "

Think about it
ye, we're living in the matrix
tell me more about your idea
What counts as a life?
ok i thought about it.. life is what it is its not an illusion :)
life is spamming crossfire 24/7
that's called nolife
life is the time before death.
what doesn't kill me, makes me more unhittable
F. Nietzsche
Actually life isn't an illusion, since it's the definition of your existence. If life would be an illusion, your existence would be an illusion, thus resulting in you and everything not being here, which is impossible, since without a basic there is no extrusion of any form :)
i already said that dickwhip :s :p o.0
for some ppl it's true, since internet = virtual = illusion
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