Final Pc advice

K so this is my final thoughts on my pc
take a look and since its my first pc build,
are all the components compatible?
is the psu enough?
any suggestions on a monitor around 100-150 pounds?
im not missing anything am i lol?

+ this mobo has built on sound card correct?
+ Western Digital 320GB Caviar ATA 100 16MB Cache
Every mobo nowadays has onboard sound.
PSU is enough.
Do u wanna overclock? IF no, dont buy that cooler.
i think in the long run i will overclock
Dont buy the cooler then imo. If i were u, i would wait buying it, till u wanna overclock. Maybe new coolers and better coolers are released then.
hmm what would you suggest then? since im a noob with cooling
No cooler. Just use the stock cooler till u oc.
stop being a jerk
tray and boxed do you know the difference?!
Yes i do know the difference.
Afaik i know inc. Fan means with a cooler?
ye ofc but why should he buy the boxed version?
dont listen to fist, he doesnt know what he's on about
mugen is an excellent cooler, althought a bit pricey it's one of, if not the best air cooler.
get it. there isn't gonna come out a cooler someday that will be significally better, as there isn't really anything to revolutionize, everything has already fallen into place on the cpu coolers.

all the parts are compatible and good, buy it :)
Don't listen to me? And u suggest a x38 mobo with SLI? lmao
Why should u buy a cooler now, if u dont wanna oc yet? Just buy it when u want to oc. A stock cooler is enough for stock speeds.
i havnt suggested x38 for sli.
i did think it woulda run sli, though.
anyways why shouldn't he get a nice quiet cooler if he wants to overclock eventually? it's extra trouble replacing it later and he isnt saving anything on it, u dont make any sense, just trying to act smart
Lets say he wanna oc in a year. In a few months, a new cooler will be released that is better then that cooler for the same price.
I dont get why u should buy a cooler now. Just wait till u wanna oc, then see what the best cooler is.
maybe he wants to oc after 1 week?
also, again you make no sense.
the mugen is an awesome cooler, it is more than enough to overclock an e8400 to 4ghz for 24/7 and keep load temps below 50c or so. for one he doesn't NEED a "better cooler" that's gonna come out, cause the cpu can only do so much with air cooling.
air coolers in particular aren't like other parts of the PC, like a videocard (new one comes out every 2 weeks), i think you're just suggesting shit without thinking about it / experience. the cooler will still be sufficient even if a new cooler comes out, but there really cant be a much better aircooler than the mugen.
fully agreed. @Sweetooth: just get now a good cooler everything else would be stupid (waiting for a better cooler.. what a bullshit..)
He says in a long run. Doesnt seems to me he means a few or so with that.
Ofc its a great cooler. I know that. But still, IF he doesnt wanna oc in a short run, imo he should wait till he wanna oc.
If he does wanna oc it, i think he should buy it.

Why buying something that isnt neccesary right away and risking when u do need it, something better is on the market for same price?
no comment really, u just keep bashing the same wrong opinion.
agreed , fist doesnt know what he is talking about
x38 can only run crossfire, not sli, learn your stuff before you talk crap
I know? I didnt say it runs sli, i laughed at him cus he suggested a x38 mobo cus its great for sli.
QuoteDon't listen to me? And u suggest a x38 mobo with SLI? lmao

yeah right, dont see anywhere where he starts about x38 and SLI
Cus he is a high skilled editer!
i havnt suggested a x38 mobo cause it's great for sli, i have suggested a p35 mobo.
then I said x38 might have a point if you want SLI, otherwise get a p35. yes, i changed it cause it doesn't offically support SLI, i had just seen people use SLI with it.
give me the drugs you're using please (btw you can SLI on x38 if you mod your mb)
Quote by ch0wn3dyou can with modded drivers but i see your point
why do you need a 620 W PSU? Do you wanna buy a 2nd gfx card (SLI)?
yh btw since im kinda noobie the mobo + psu i bought, will fit into the case k?
buy this mobo
why would you suggest that one over the one i currently have
p35 and x38 have the same performance, p35 is cheaper. it's not better, x38 is just more pricey and x48 is the same as x38 with a few meaningless updates and more overpriced.
but x38/x48 gives you a ~ 11% performance boost with the latest 8800's
but it's yerman. just translate it with google or sth :D

edit: Der P35-Chipsatz unterstützt allerdings nicht PCI-Express 2.0. Das geht bisher nur mit X38, X48 sowie Nforce 780i SLI und 750i SLI. Damit ist beispielsweise die Geforce 8800 GTS mit G92-Chip in hohen Auflösungen bis zu elf Prozent schneller - je nach Spiel. Wer eine PCI-E-2.0-fähige Grafikkarte (Geforce 8800 GT, 8800 GTS G92, Radeon HD3850, HD3870) besitzt oder bald kaufen möchte, sollte daher gleich ein entsprechendes Mainboard verwenden.

The P35 chipset supports not PCI Express 2.0. That is only with X38, X48 and Nforce SLI 780i and 750i SLI. For example, the Geforce 8800 GTs with G92 chip in high resolutions up to eleven percent faster - depending on the game. If you have a PCI-E 2.0-capable graphics card (Geforce 8800 GT, 8800 GTS G92, Radeon HD3850, HD3870) owns or wants to buy soon, should be equal to a corresponding mainboard.
x38 has better crossfire performance yes, but it should be completely equal with the p35 otherwise..
atm no graphics card takes advantage of pcie2.0 imo, we dont need that bandwith yet, dunno where the 11% came from.. reading other reviews there is no change in performance.
dno, I just bought the Gigabyte GA-EP35-DS4 + E8400 and it ownz ^^
U cant run sli on a x38 mobo.
you can with modded drivers but i see your point
maybe he wants to upgrade in the future, it's nice to have a quality psu, besides 620w isn't over the top.
he could do with a quality 500w fortron psu, but then he'd have to buy a new psu when he wants to buy a new graphics card that consumes more power.
cooler doesnt work on your mobo, your northbridge is in the way i think. :D. The rest looks fine, search on internet how long the cables are from your PSU becuz the PSU is located in the lower left corncer from your case. Some PSU's dont have long enough cables
what sorry lol about the cooler being the way?
that cooler fits on your mobo but the northbridge is in the way
Enermax Liberty is the best PSU you can choose of atm, got the 400W Version and it rocks :>
didn't know that they're selling CPU's :o
Seems like a nice build!
i dont know if im wrong but
isnt it stupid to buy duo ? i mean as the quad is better but just not many games supports it, still, further releases will suport quads and will be better than duo, no?
read fredd's reply :D
i bet u didnt know that :P
i did but I'm a lazy bastard :p
if the games finally support it, there will be better quads around. right now the best buy is duo, since it has higher clocks (better for games)
if he's doing hardcore movieediting, rendering, etc, a quadcore might justify itself.
well im only going to play gw2 when it will be finally released, not going to play anything ealse, 2nd school is gna start soon :< aslong as q6600 will be good enough for gw2 and few more releases (gta? mafia? aoc? maybe cod4 dono) im happy^^
yeah, it is gonna be good enough, but none of those games support your 4 cores, will only use 2 ;))
a quick question would you suggest the GA-EP35-DS4 over the p5k-e. Also exoz said something about the cooler not being able to work since my northbridge is in the way or something. is this correct?
i dunno, never used both of those mobos.
some coolers can be a bit too big for some mobos, though.

seems like it fits. read the review. same board as you, same cooler. :P
k thx ill ask on a more specialist forum but thxs for the help
oh shit 1 more thing do i need to buy that special glue stuff or is that supplied usually i think its called artic cooling or something
the cooler already has thermalpaste applied to the bottom of it, you dont need to buy it yourself. :p
but it could be too big for the case..
all these tiny problems are emerging now
Quote by icrontic.comThe second advantage I mentioned is not really even applicable due to the Mugen's size - I couldn't imagine trying to install it with the mainboard in the case.
me being a noob, does that mean it wont fit in the case
dno your case - just try it =D
it means u install it on the mobo outside of the case and then install the mobo into the case with the cooler on it :p

your case should have plenty of room, but if you wanna be on the safe side you can just get a smaller cooler.
ye, he should buy this one:

cheap+good imo :p
thxs for the info's <3
np, but buy the tray version of the E8400 if you don't want to have 2 coolers :D
is the version im buying atm come with a cooler already?
p.s thxs for info

edit : also does that cooler (cooler master hyper) come already with the artic glue or whatever its called?
or does most coolers now adays come with that as standard
ye, it comes with artic glue :}
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