Streetfighter moment

I saw some streetfighter trailer beeing posted here in the journals. So I looked up a fucking cool streetfighter moment somewhere on a lan. EvO 2004 or something.

Well the full parry the guy does is extremly uber fucking difficult and he even parry midair.

Hear the crowd going nuts.. A nice vid :P
streetfighters owns !
The Beast Unleashed is such an old vid...

but probably the best SF3A vid out there, those parries... just fucking... how the hell did he parry every hit of senretsu kyaku? just fucking insane, I'd fuckup after the second parry :|

edit: full video <-- you see how much justin is raping him in that last round, pulls off two specials, and then the third loses it for him
do u know if u can download street fighter or sumthing for your pc and play online with some kind of emulator?
yeah, get a mame emulator with netplay, i do it a lot :P
that is a snes emulator? any fast links to guides? seems fun :}
the arcade versions are better than the snes, imo

"Kawaks is an emulator for the Windows operating system that emulates the CPS-1, CPS-2, and the Neo Geo systems. It runs well on some low end computers and has the option of netplay using Kaillera. Kawaks has many features including a number of video blitters."
ok will try it out :]
pure skillz
Oh man!
yeah, this one ownz hard!
why are all chineses playing(winning) these games
It's Chun Lis birthday today, she turns 40
why is the parry so hard, wat buttons do u have to press
nice graphix ^^
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