another cdc journal

i was very busy today, so is there any special news about today ? drunk guys who have to throw up etc :D ?
CDC fight !!!
tox threw up 20 times after 1 beer or something
he had a flu isnt ?
yeah that explains... or.. not.
few ppl fight
Dunno, earlier today i saw that i saw that Journal->
I've watched the vid, and i was surprised to see vix0r slapping there :D
Some other friends of vix and adri already tried to call them @ mobile phone but they arent responding. Try to find them @ cdc for us :o
youre there isnt ?
The guys who fighted there are all german, i dont think that there was a cheater. That's just what the interviewer in the vid guessed ;)
yeah vixor and his mates will drive home tomorrow ;) i really wanna know what happened. Mamalukes speaks german imo, so he could be the guy who got slapped by vix0r (red shirt)
did there happened any special things ? and btw: give greetings to FiF/Freedune from me please :D
You watched the Video already there you see the guys slapping? :) maybe you recongize them there :D
forgive them, its their first lan ^^
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