Just came back from CDC4

Hey i just cam back from CDC4 and yes what should i say never saw so such geeks at one place but well, still had a funny moment and tbh the reason why i create this is forum and i need help of Winghaven and Pansy? (Girl with cap?) and ye haha was kinda funny, wing sit on his pc and opened his backbag and some shit fell on the floor and wing looked @ pansy if she might be so kind and give it to him and she was liek no and next to her was a random guy ( NEED HIS NAME OMG ) and wing looked @ him after getting dismissed by pansy and the guy waited a second and crapped up the shit for wing and gave it to him and the girl was just liek "LOL you fucking fanboy!" so who was this guy? :( tell me please hahahahahah was so funny

shoutout to pakiboy ovie

greetz junky
no it wasnt
ur back also?
nice pansy , nerd girl
I'll take a wild guess and assume it's yet another girl who spend her time at cdc while not rly being involved in the game :p
Your wild guess is right , irZ :p. Nice to see you alive here! =)
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