Want to play oldschool runescape ?

image: demonikoa4

Welcome to the world of DemonikOnline. A premium JagLike server with increased experience, constant uptime, and various modifications to make gameplay fun again. Can't make any account on Jag's old game? Come play here. Our userbase is made up of all old-school players who vary in age from 13-40. We have multi-world functionality, as well as member-only premium content. By far the best server of it's kind with all original ideas and concepts. With our outstanding staff and administrators this game is bound to be a big hit just for old-times sake. Registration is easy and the client is just a download away. Come try us out, there's nothing to lose!!!

To join DemonikOnline click here
what is this exactly?
A private runescape classic server with all the same skills/items/areas etc.

Check it out :p
its like runescape with the wilderness?
ya they sure did fuck up their game >_<
yes it has wilderness
Playing on a private Maplestory server atm sorry.
RS classic ftw I quit when they introduced RS2. :p
So have I, wont even bother to check it out :p? You'll forget about Maplestory in no time !
8x xp rate is enough to keep me happy for a few weeks.
which one, link!
You need a 3 day forum acc before you can reg.

Started 8 days ago; lvl 70 cleric, lvl 41 bandit.(Holiday np+cleric is ez lvling)
I play with 3 other guys and it takes about 2 hours for lvl 30@ 8x xp.
game looks shit - have fun though
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