just wanted to say that


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bb lettu & twidi arrogant fins
I lolled @last minute spam ^^
ff tzakske in gedraait
it was funny stuff when the keycard was on the stairs first and then on the barrier, about 5 times someone got shelled or shot :D
edit was rly good on bremen offence:o
(13:33:37) [insert name of a random guy from edit]: COM TO CDC5 U PIECE OF SHIT AND I WILL BEAT U UP MYSELF. FUCKING NONAMER DECAP

belgians are just retards, can't help that

and vae lost the match when they screwed up goldrush
i fucking hate edit so much carnt wait to see them get bashed agaisnt np or tlr going to lol so much.
what happend? pics pls 8)
This jealousy is really painful.
The spam wasnt needed. Too bad Vila couldnt even speak proper english.
i like EDiT guys lol
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