shit, mothers day

Well, I only found out about it last night, but I was really ill and walking to the closest shop didn't agree with my body.

So yeah, another commercial holiday that everyone hates but partakes in it anyway.

.. And I didn't get anything... Just got up, so I'll have to go down eventually, plus I'm starting to get hungry.

Didn't buy anything either, but my mum isn't at home anyway.
lwal scared me, in PL we have it 26th of May (google ftw)
I think mother's day is in May
Yeah, i thought it was later than this.... ah well
In holland its in May, in England its at the 2nd of March.
awh okay, makes sense, English people always wanna be special ^^
meez, fuckin catch a bus n get sumthin
fix ur fucking flag \o. ! :D
we got it at 8.3
in France it's grand'ma day !
we got it at 8.3
Your a cunt
lol, never thought that mother day has different date in different countrys...
lol i forgot :<
me neither - though.. shes been SCREAMING at me to get up for the last hour.

Normal Reply = "Fuck Off..."
In former Soviet Union area 8th March is Women's day .
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