banned wtf

I accidently banned my m8 "skaa" from our server and now I can't get him unbanned


I tried /rcon pb_sv_banlist it said "0 of 0 was displayed in the banlist or something.

commands what i've tried:
/rcon pb_sv_banempty
/rcon pb_sv_banlist
/rcon pb_sv_unban slot
none of em helped :x
owned sucker!
he deserved it!
/!\ Retard Detected /!\
He is just pbbanned
try reg unban and then serv restart (?)
ah, thought you were banned by PB for a cheat :P.
use some software like hlsw (it has rcon admin tool) or smth else
:D acidently ye right
nice, thats the way it has to be!
OWN3D !!!
Find him in your bans.dat file and edit.
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