short trip to CDC 4

hey hello,

me is back from enschede.. first i blame myself that me wasnt that much at lancenter, although the time me was there was funny and interesting.
so we travelled ~6hours from berlin. trip was good, arrived in enschede, didnt get the keys for the hotel (thx to bulldog whos was rly freindly and helped me with this stuff <3) so we went to the town to buuy too much weed and so my nite ends at friday...

saturday, breakfast at town, shopping tour me alone, best imo if u want to buy all i want. .:DD went to wzzrd to meet some ppl. first was m!das who i blame because he couldnt smoke still probs with his licence. but i got overdrive for my smoking tours....met joola with her bf but didnt had the time to talk long time with all, yeah sometimes me was too shy. :ppppp

all in all i had the feeling that et is just a small part of the lan so there werent that much ppl as at cpc2, also the weather wasnt that nice...
today, just short look at wzzrd, because me wanted at home since i need to work tomorrow again.. :/

shoutout to:
- jasper, who i didnt see :(
- craig, who gave me a fantastic Qpad
- sergi, for making jokes about me
- paul, lalalalala nice action! :pp
- ronner and sol, who (wtf) starred at me
- sexyhot, who thought me didnt know him anymore.... pls look at u!! rrrr^^
- dunno, i hope u find a way to travel back
- faky, for beeing cute as always :p
- noor for beeing as much more sexier than me ever realized <3
- and all the others i met..

cu in may?!

edit: my mobile display broke so i didnt take any pics... :/ ask anil for pics ;D
hehe, i was there on friday from 16-21 CET but didn't see you then indeed :p
nice not taking dunno back
u failed
bah, link zum video pls... :D
btw dunno just wrote me a sms that he fond a cheap train to come back. :p
I reached Berlin successfully except the fact that this Berlin main station is amazingly huge and bloody cold. Maybe that's cause I had light jacket, but still it's much warmer in Riga outside! I was hiding almost 3 hours in the room of ticket machines, cause everything else was closed, and at least it wasn't THAT cold there. Bus came only @ 4:50 or so. Ye I also almost missed my trains twice cause of falling a sleep few times, but it's ok. :P
glad u r back and next time, take a bit more money with u.. :p
thx, next time I won't plan my trip 2 days before the departure and buy tickets even later! 8D
got beaten the crap out of u?
cu in may!
so u were the "dutch" girl @ wings room? :P
but wb schnee we missed u so much:
hahahaa the Irony she's german !
guess why i put that dutch into ""
Oh wait I didn't smile at all :<
lol it wasnt funny at all, that was bloody serious.
u r proving even more that u are stupid
I got your flag, wondering why I'm stupid?
oh noez im german, im stupid!
but u will grow up and smile about your stupidness in a few years
Offcouse I will, you allready found yours?
yes i did, and i solved it.
but plz, gtfo with ur stupid comments, i wont reply anymore anyway
because you're so stupid, your posts make no sense.
Almost no posts at crossfire do :D
Quotepls look at u!! rrrr^^

joola = fasolka? :o)
hi failed cheatbuster
hey schnee nice meeting u in rl :)
I wanted to shake hands with you, but I couldn't find u yesterday :/
damn i know, i was around most of the day but left 23.00 to watch UK football program in hotel :)
I wanna meet you at CDC5
Saskia! Whats in may? :o
i am not worth mentionable ? oknp! :(((
edit to the edit :DDD

<3 u too !
WB SASKIA! cu @ cdc5 :D
- ronner and sol, who (wtf) starred at me

they wanted to make me even more nervous.. :/
sol will ban u 4 this comment me thinks
I did not see you schnee :(
but me was there!!! i didnt see u!! ;(((
Was us :
random pic

Someone told me "This is schnee over there" but I was busy that time and could not find you back
i only saw cash in the morning. but tbh noone of u, except the red hair
I wonder why you remember douille !!!!

Well, everybody remembers him =)
whats in may?
some über lan. details still unknown
PLEEEEASSEEE.. sol and me starring at you. Overdrive just said you were stoned and that you couldn't handle ppl looking at you, so we just stood there and said "hi schnee", and you turned into shy-girl.

disappointment really... :P
hahahahahaha :DDDDDD

I think i saw you the second day (friday) when u said hi, but never really had the chance to talk to you after that, sorry for that though..

I was too tired in the mornings and afternoon and I was basicly drinking our losses in ET away. At night I came back alive though :p

bb :(
damn me missed the nights ;(
Well it was great partying in Enschede. Too bad we had to play all the matches on friday from 11pm - 4.30am :D

hmm :(
probably yea.. think it's beeing held somewhere else then Enschede, maybe in Utrecht or more to the west of Holland, but ye think im coming/playing.
No it is also in Enschede but behind the LAN-Center the big hall or something.
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