cdc 4 vix0r fight (THE TRUTH)

first of all i have to say those three words: OH MY GOD.

I didnt think that the et-community is that stupid.. to belive any rumours and a vid which shows only a little part of all.

You all insulted vix0r without knowing what actually happened.. NOONE of you know so ill tell you the truth.

BEFORE the video started.. mama was in a match he was spectated by vitaly the guy in the blue cap.
As Mama was killed ingame he got pissed.. turned around and so vitaly standing behind him. He got out of control immediatly.. stood up pushed him back.

Then vixor turned to him and told him to leave vitaly because he didnt do anything.
Noone could know that Mama would punch vix0r because he only said to leave vitaly alone.

So Mama punched vix0r 2 times in the face.. YES MAMA STARTED TO PUNCH NOT VIX0R OR ANYONE ELSE.

THIS saw also the admins of the lan they thought about disqualifying NICE from the tournament because of that.

The normal reaction of a friend is to help vix0r.. mama is 5 years older and perhaps stronger then vix and i dont know which friend would have leave him alone then.

The video shows only the end of the fight as all turned upside down.

SO LOVELY ET - COMMUNITY dont make a justice without KNOWNING ANYTHING.
And beliving any rumours is also very stupid in my opinion.
Perhaps this report clears this wrong situation against vix0r a bit.. which only was created by the uncomplete video which has been uploaded. (

2nd one 4:40 min)

greetZ FZL

EDIT: wheres the movie?
who gives a fuck
I believe you
I believe your story, at CDC3 mama always was raging everyone around when he got killed ingame.
out of words

edit: ugly woman in ur profile pic :x
that's christina aguilera!!
avi or it didnt happen
I will spank you =D
again its u..
i failed to understand you =(
so here is a kiss ! *kiss* :O
idd u failed...
you dont have to act like a biatch...bad saskia bad !
do you have to reply to almost every fucking comment schnee types?
yes !
i feel its my duty to chase after her !
Its actually the best solution xD

Mama seems to be a real thug
mama offline only
knew it tbh
who gives a fuck
you, since you clicked on the journal.
i knew that mama was a fuckin tard :)
link to the vid? :D
retarded tho. i lolld at the video, the fight looks like a girl fight :D
ghetto lan
as long as child like you exist in this community it cannot get better lol. Try it again in the kindergarden.
<jackie> cu at lan for the fist fight
fighthing at a lan is so cool.
nice mama, ill give u an award!
make love not war !
mama is just a fucking retarded poor italian fag
pushing someone because of no skill, thats n1ce mama

still mama > vixor
mama ownage ;d
mama did a good job!

shit germans tards
well done mama :d
mama always seems like a frustrated guy online aswell imo
LoL :D at least something special at that lan
headbutts not special enough? .c
true, should've been more action + I even missed the headbutt live.
mama got lower hp so who cares hahahaha :DDDD <3 vix/vitali/adr/fzl/matze:)))))

so funny 16 years old guy ownz a 24 old year opa :ddd
still it was 3on1 :O
i believe you, i know vix0r long enough to know that he is not the person slapping around without any reason

EDIT: the "i just watched" becomes a fully new sense
Who cares, the fact is that the guy in the blue cap hits like a girl.
lold at the guys saying "There's a cheater!"
the reason why mama didnt tell the truth yesterday
well, vix0r rocks.
who cares, mama still owned em all !
ETplayor, smth strange ? not
mama delivered some delicious failure in the face :)
Vixor got ownd by mama thats true !
3+v1 and still get multiheadshots. fault to fight anyway
it was rly poor
<3 mama :D
Next cdc: games, poker and boxing!

Put in a decent prize and I'll join!
bullshit story 8D gonna post the truth when im back home ;D
btw the whole adriano gang got red triangles at yawn
the admins should have paid me instead of thinking about a disqualification :o)
hahahahah you didnt even hitted me once tarded 23 years old nablet...
Next time you vs me its better. You have luck that the admin removed us from the LAN otherwise you had to go to hospital retard.

Nice getting ownd by 16 years old guy. If i was you i would SUICIDE IRL ...
Fuck off stupid retard, coming @ lan for a fight . Stupid Stupid. YOU SHOULD CONSIDER TO KILL YOURSELF
yeah that must be the reason why u left before we finished our games u should have waited outside if u wanted some more hero ;D
i dont even know who the fuck u were tbh i bet u were one of the guys scratching my back ( btw thanks for the massage )

wow really owned 3vs1 and you couldnt even get me down or actually hit me u must be proud of you !
MAMA GOT OWND by a 16 years old boy feel so good to hear that
yeah live with that dream
u just all suck dudes being angry of a game !!!
haha u owned us i didnt noticed anything we were waiting for you and u knew that and didnt came... pls dont turn it arround like a pussy now (like ur voicy after that pushing :D)
cya next lan scratchin baby ;)---- and dont get aggre only because of
loosing a game u suck anyway..

btw i leave it like this now because discussing online has no sense..
I hope to see you next lan again and then i dont let this be unfinished trust me..
"haha u owned us i didnt noticed anything we were waiting for you and u knew that and didnt came... "

haha "we were waiting" xDDD

Did you gather even more guys? maybe you where not comfterbal with 3on1. Stop that wannabe gangster bullshit attitude.
lol thats pathetic. u were 3 to 1 and still mama was the only one actually landing any hits :D
how retarded can u be, 3on1 ring any bells?
Wow :O Little baby boy sharpening his fingernails!

Yeah, an Adriano cheating gang speaking in public! Will this replace the Bible?

you suck

i would fucking enjoy seeing you cry after mama beats the shit out of you cowarded dickhead. why didn't you say that at lan, huh?
"hahahahah you didnt even hitted me once tarded 23 years old nablet...
Next time you vs me its better. You have luck that the admin removed us from the LAN otherwise you had to go to hospital retard.

Nice getting ownd by 16 years old guy. If i was you i would SUICIDE IRL ... "

Really nice trashtalk from you, but the truth is you hit like a fucking gril. It looked like a girl fight if you ask me. I seriously doubt you can hospitalise anyone with the age above 10.
Dude i didnt even hitted in the video. As i sayed 1000 times i was cool and first i wanted to stop the fight. It was first only the guy with cap and the red shirt who where fighting. I only wanted to stop the fight but this mama noob guy thinks he can do what he want. He will see @ next lan trust me ...
Just ask overdrive or somebody else how pissed off i was.
well done, they were pretty gays to go 3on1. its kinda difficult to see what happend on that video, and 1 fag who is going behind u and try to do a knee or smht.
I still think we should teach those guys a lesson at cdc5!
He could be an mma-fighter and was just used to doing knees.
hihi, nästa lan då jävlar ska jag visa hur man gör !
haha lol next time try flying kick against their heads... will prolly work when ur out numbered
<3 That Headshot sound when he gives him a headpunch!
TBH if you look at last punches of mama i think vixor changed his mind to go back and finish the fight.

Coming now here and say mama got owned just make me lmao. You dident own unless he is on the ground capice ?
Older or not older. You were taller and same weight.

Mama: 7/10 nice hook @ 25sec
Vixor: 4/10 trying to do some karate/kickbox wateva shit
Blue cap guy: 1/10 for try to do a suckerpunch
Using age argument I think it's unlikely that grandad mama would RAGE out of nothing some randoms.

As I have played with him alot online and even on LAN, I know that he is calm guy and I can't imagine something happening like it was written in OP.

It's more likely that 16yo raged boys will try show some BALLZ. Violence is common thing in that age. The more people in group, the bigger BALLZ and courage for kids. Just watch some news where kids in groups rob, beat up grown ups (much older than mama...). Common thing.

This whole post reminds me of some busted cheaters "side of story".

And considering that story's differ. Whom to trust? 16yo tough guys or OLD man mama? :D
An old man who likes to call himself "mama" doesn't really comfort me :P
QuoteUsing age argument I think it's unlikely that grandad mama would RAGE out of nothing some randoms

QuoteWhom to trust? 16yo tough guys or OLD man mama? :D

wp mama
badass ingame doesn't mean he's a badass in here!
wow,vixor istn hurensohn,was ganz neues :o
language rule!
Italian Stallion?
another proof that ET's community is stuffed with retards. good job, all you guys who were involved.
haha mama's fuckin tiny to, I would of knocked the cunt out!
dwarfs fighting...i really had a laugh when the guy came in who was 1 head taller as the small tall are you?
you should've bolded "THE TRUTH" part in topic, now i'm not 100% convinced
mama owns
Mama Balboa
vitun europallopaskat
It's ridiculous to start fight if you get owned in game :D
You should have fun at LAN .. :[ violence is bad
yeah, we'll geek him out ;D
vix0r: "ich hab doch nur zugeschaut" :C
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