CDC <3 in brief

Just got to my hotel in Amsterdam Airport for an early flight to UK tommorrow. I have my laptop ready and on, so as not to miss the action. Had a great 3 days at CDC4.

I went as normal for the sociall side of the event and to meet my friends and also make new ones. On both accounts it was good. As normal there were some really nice people there. I also made some new mates and drank enough to kill anyone outside of UK :D I arrived thursday evening and drove from the airport in convoy with United Kingdom Evo and United Kingdom Unkind, after waiting for some random guy called Sweden ferus to arrive :P The journey was not long but living up to his name United Kingdom Tyyrd slept most of the way. We went straight to the WZZRD and got drunk till 4am friday. The highlight of the night was United Kingdom West's dancing at 3.30am to insomnia-faithless and United Kingdom Potty and United Kingdom Pansy attempting to do jumpstyle :)

The second reason was official stuff for CB. We wanted to see the latest version of ETQWpro in action, with a view to making it the official mod for the CB EC and OC. I spoke to some of the players including Germany Urtier and with Denmark Taken. Both myself and United Kingdom Matsy for CB and TCM were pretty impressed by the mod and i am sure that there will be an official statement sometime soon.

Im not going to write lots cause nobody reads after paragraph 3. So i will end with highs and lows.


United Kingdom unkind - winning a game
Spain winghaven - asking for a photo with me
United Kingdom cupper - being carried home by United Kingdom Sheep
United Kingdom All the UK people at this CDC


Leaving before the final - again
My hangover saturday


To all the people i met new and old, dont want to name in case i miss someone United Kingdom pansy :D
and to Germany 8Bits official driver - Only they will understand ;)

edit: failed
<3 Bulld0g!
More pls
nice Bulld0g ;)

btw bulldog forgot me? :<
potty !!!
ROFL Cupper :D

One too many shandys m8
He can't handle my Sambuca and absinthe :(
oh well thats a different story then :D

not sure I'd be able to handle it either 0o
Only men can, sorry :{
you must be practising then ;p
Before new years eve I hadn't drunk in 5 years, so I done pretty well :D
I am wasted Bull, what about you? Thank god there isnt a CDC every weekend :P
Ik heb je genoeg halve liters zien drinken gister xD [dutch]
:))) they tasted good!!
Noticed that, saw u like every 30 minuts with them :P
didn't see you
Didn't see you either :< I was speccing the warmup of Ephix versus vae. Sitting behind kitty and joop
hmm..I was most of the time chilling in some stairs somewhere with ovie etc.
haha, Ovie watched me right in the eyes, but he didn't come and hit me like he said
Maybe he didn't reconized u ?
Or he was stoned ^^
man he saw pictures of me he MUST reconize me
then the 2nd part ^^
yeah mav i would die :)
fuck me i'm bummed i didn't go now :<
me too ;(, but wtf, better missing that than being single again .! :o
liez! Let's both go next cdc <3
Was nice meeting you, hopefully we can meet again.
Was nice meeting you bulld0g!
I'll upload the picture of you and Spain Winghaven when I get home later.
We're in Amsterdam airport atm come see us D:
u2 m8 but hotels to far away im watching final @ 43fps laptop :)
hello mr 24-7 crossfire refresher!!!
hopefully we meet again next cdc and you better accept that big beer then!
hehe told u :D
driving skills <3
i saw you as well today!! =)
Nice screwing when unKind won the match :D

but they deserved it!!
was nice meeting you bulld0g!

such a legend!
ye bull your a legend even if you just add my name on at the end O_O :D

nice meeting you
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