mama fight (THE REAL TRUTH) [video]

np 4 mama
vixor and friends owned
GO mama GO!

edit: made by HeDo and me :p
mama is fuckin retard
you are mr onlineonly go buy hax naablet
and you are?
and who the fuck are you? damn you think your rly pro cuz you played with sth, highskiller who are playing with a medium skiller like you, do you feel proud ?

neither i'm proud,neither i'm good, i just "asked you" why is mama retard...
You fucking are
yes you are !

wp mama <3
nice vid :d

tbh i thought the same thing.. kinda pathetic the way they go at him with 3 to 1 at least... and the way i see it mama lands the only proper hits...

dunno what they were fighing for though, pretty pathetic
haha nice sounds :D
rofl, n1 video... hitsound :>

RESPECT FOR MAMA aka Massimo Decimo Meridio!
link is dead or something?
lol @ the sounds... sucks that people can't behave offline any better than they do online... sad
kaikki ei oo nii asiallisii ku sä
Link doesn't work !
work.. u must enter in the website and there click on the "green link"
nice fight, but why they were fighting?
wich guy is mama here?
The one making the headshots !
lol @ hitsounds
how old is mama and how old is vixor?
do you really called that "owned" if you beat a guy who is 5 years younger or smthng? i lold gratz mama you have some respect from teh nerds now
do you really call it "not owned" when they jump him 4on1 and still cant do any damage?
this is not even the full fight.. where vitali 16 years old punched mama in the belly was so nice :))) had to make VIDEO of that
how do u call 3 kids that together beat 1 person?
yeah you say it kids, mama is 23 and they are like 16 and still they fight mama, it would have been a shame for mama if he lost the fight but if he won it, it was nothing special
and btw those other guys do not really help vixor that much so why are you all saying 4vs1...
you are talking about this video or "my little pony" video?

see how the boy with black shirt hold mama and the other 3 guys (with blue cap, red shirt and black shirt) beat mama..
u can have 16 or 22 years but 4v1 is soooo noob
they dont really beat him, they just hold him and shake a little bit :p
who was really beating was mama with 2 hs and some body shots
vixor was only thinking all the time like wtf hax and was using med packs not to die
first that other guy is taller than mama right. and if that other guy is over 15 he should have muscles if not his own fault. age aint doing much with that

and vix0r is 18. or still his xfire profile says that
with 15 u cant have good muscels
over 15 i think you can have muscles if you have done something and you have grown balls :D??? atleast i know many who worked for muscles when they were 15 and they were pretty strong. like 85 at pench (penkki) dunno correct word.
there ar not much that young peoples, but yes there ar some who train at this age and have muscles
haha :D

download link:
filetor > rapidshare..
i hate wait 90 second :(
rapidshare download speed > filefront
if u got premium ;P
O and btw...mama hit him b4 aswell a few times.
hahaha fucking nice editing:DDD

made my day<333333
LOOL learn to fight xD
"looool, me and other 16-year-olds fight every weekend and know everything about fighting X-DDD"
how "tall" are they? looks like 130cm.. o_o
idd, y0wsn & me are teh rl p0wnerz with our selfcoded h4x aka drugs and anabolicz! join us or get p0wn3D!
I may not be the most succesfull irl-fighter on earth but loel how pathetic the "fighting" by vix0r&co. is :DDDDDDDDDDD
4on1, swinging hands liek girlz and when they notice that they can't hit they try to push him down but the 4guys don't even manage to do that xDDDD

n1 selfhumiliation xD
such a shame for germany...
lol vixor pathetic gimp
nerdfights -_-
That was so cool xDDD
So nice headshot headshot sounds xDD
who were they guys fighting agains't him ?
mister vixor got like 2hs and some body's and still not dead!!! HAX!!! CHEATER WTF
he was using medpacks during the fighting
mama use the medic packs XD
no mama got some body shots but it was not enough to die, but i agree he had at the end like 5 hp
the vid in esports doesnt works :/ any got the vid somewhere ealse :X
best clip on here in 2k8 so far
Please, vix0r kanker homogezicht vecht als een man
btw die gozer met dat blauwe kanker petje mag dood
haha those sounds :D
haha hedo and ussually great clip.. you should be given a prize for this 1 XD

mamalukes has to see this one :)
i thought the same
Anonymous violance is bad
nice hitsounds

btw vs wich team XDDD
mama delivers <3
Just leave it. it was mama who got more damage received not u so care :DDDD
wp nerds
Its really pathic from mama whos 23 years old messing with a 16 years old .. wow herooooo
After the admin went between i called him out but he didnt came ouuuuuuuuuww..
You called him out when the fight was already over? Isnt that a little bit too late? =)
lol if you call that a fight :D
one look @ your profile is enough to point out that u have no idea of life and that u'll stay a poor guy for a lifetime - u will reach nothing with your puberty behaviour... u know that, thats why u act like that... i feel sorry for you, i really really do...
lol rapture please he attacked a 16 years old friend of mine and i just helped him whats so wrong about that pls explain me?
well u know....i see like at least 5 guys from your corner and this other guy. i bet there was another option for all of you, instead of showing chick fight abilities...!
How would have u reacted then if you were only going between them and hes punching you without any acceptable reason in ur face?
well u know, if u feel like ure judged wrong on that scene (coz everybody is seeing u as the enforcer of this whole scenario) u could explain the whole situation in a journal/article.

if a friend of mine got attacked and i try to go between with the reaction of a punch of the opponent id ofc deliver some strikes - its your right to do that..

but as i said, u should explain it... coz we see it through the eyes of that vid and if i watch your profile with that pic etc, i can imagine u as an enforcer..
thx...bei so einem emotional behaftetem thema is es eben immer gefährlich...100000 augen sehen 1 video und sind wütend etc. die emotion in die richtige richtung zu lenken is nie einfach und bedarf großem erklärungsaufwand. es sieht halt einfach so unnötig aus in dem video.. wie gesagt, wenn es so war - logo, hätte mich auch gewehrt.

aber du kennst ja eh die wahrheit =]
you can say what ever you want, you got your ass whooped :(
nice played btw you nubbie ;)
mama is calm and friendly guy and never attacked us when we flamed him IRL with "mama fail" and insults like that. Can't imagine mama punching some random kid without a valid reason. He's a grown man and has brains unlike these people.
Hax imo, nerdbot v.1.oo1
Hahahaha. Fuc**n' great shot mama. The leg punch should've counted as a hs.
hahaha ;XD !
lol fighting dwarfs....omg! xD
typical shitbag you where keen until he landed one on your ugly nogin then u shit it! btw dont take pics ov yourself with your arms pushed against your shaved chest like a big man then fight like a lemon
Ah cmon man u dont know the real background you only saw the video and think im the enforcer but acctually i only wanted to defend my friend what you cannot see in the video not to beat somebody :o

And tbh i stopped because i had myself undercontrol and admins told me to stop
not like mama who was scratchin me :x we didnt even had a real reason to fight

And as we called him outside he didnt even came...
I dont care if hes starting to punch and cant finish it outside..
No blood no winner pls u cant even call that a fight.

I also dont see any point in discussing with you online while offline nobody is opening his mouth.
First point, the version we all know is kinda different, and I'm talking about the "go away cheaters" thing.

Second point, nobody cares about the reasons you were fighting for, in the videos you can clearly see four people cowardly attacking one. Period.

Third point, the "And as we called him outside he didnt even came..." is just the demonstration you would perfectly continue the fight outside, so, what's the point in pretending to be the poor victim? :)
you fight like a girl.....ahahaha fucking idiot!

image: 11774317885882
i second xanthic's comment! ..

waiting outside with 4 people to show "how good you are" in beating up an italian? .. you serious? ..

anyways .. i missed the action.. would've love to see that :D ..

and i even missed mama .. wanted to call him some words in italian (ofc not honestly) .. ;)
haha i dont care i will beat him even if im only 18 what a noob the move is only the halff :x
cya next lan (btw i wasnt the one with the blue eye after shakin hands and crying voice haha ;) )
i only had some scratchin traces how comes who fights like a pussy? :D
Ok Big Boy, nice contradiction.

Even if I feel like "good ol' daddy" saying that, LANs are not ghetto pubs where you can unleash your hidden fury whenever you want.

At the and of the thing I'm also pleased I can get rid of any good manner with you, saying that if he smashed your ass in pieces in 1on3, he'll surely do better in 1on1, you cunt :D
haha he smashed my ass by some hits which are overated in this movie haha wtf i think u have no idea.. if we would have continued outside he would have lost the video didnt show anything :D
Sirious im not the one starting to punch dont get a wrong picture of me.
BTW WTF 3on1 ??
only vitaly hitted him sometimes whats lame oke but he didnt wanted 1o1 outside..
The picture I get reading your message is that you're just trying to get a macho out of you without any reason. I mean, what's the point in saying that you would kick his ass in 1vs1? A quiet guy would just let the thing pass and clear the thing with Mamalukes without trying to enforce the quarrel (like you're doing :)).
No man the only thing i want to say that its lame messing up with a 16 years old but not want to fight outside with somebody whos atleast a bit older..
MAN your brain is as shit as your fighting skills. On your place i would fucking shut the fuck up and suicide cause of shame or at least some used imagination to think out some more realistic backing up stories. I know mama well, stop fucking saying that you were defending a kiddo, that was punched without a reason. You didn't actually defend but attacked him and shamefully failed. And as mama already told thousands of times you fucking disappeared and in my opinion it's the biggest shame possible, to disappear after saying you will fight him after the game and now writing some bullcrap just after CDC is over. I didn't know that there are people like that in the world, you are just a fucking shame to every MALE person, so save the world - kill yourself.
We will fuck you both next lan mother fucker CHINESE MONGO or wtf u are ...

UR NEXT motherfucker...
anyway grow up. You are just proving my point btw. Anyway you can come up to me next lan (if you and me come) and say as much as you have guts to say.
I'm guessing they never came after you?
I have no idea how could you manage to find this topic, but yeah, they never did, though my last lan was cc5.
I'm a resourceful man, mister dunno.
dunno i saw u at lan u dont remember me the 1 sitting in the restauraunt and ask for ur flight?
ur were a nice guy there , impressive how ur mind changed after ur online again no comment..
and btw we waited half an hour outside for him and he didnt came pls .. watafak he attacked 1st ask him urself LoL
and furthermore its pointless arguing over i net while everybody can talk trash and nobody knows the truth..
well see next lan ok dunno?
I remember you, but the only thing I knew that time mama was fighting some cheaters or smth like that. It was the next day, right? Anyway, yes I'm harsh, but I can't fucking understand, wtf you are trying to prove with your comments. You attacked mama with 3-4 guys when he was fighting one of you. You all attacked instead of trying to make distance between him and the one he was fighting with. POINT. That's really a shame, don't you think? And it's shame you are trying to backup yourself after lan is over. I wouldn't care if you weren't posting crap at crossfire.
P.S. And yeah, where did you wait outside?
Don't worry I would say the same at lan, if i knew it was you.
Say it next lan .. poor ugly guy
lawl, look who is talking! Your cheap insult is as cheap as your fighting. Can't believe u r 20y.o. Maybe start acting like a mature guy?
I act like a mature guy. I just cant stand the fact how you talk @ LAN and look how you talk over the internet. If you wanted to say something just say it @ LAN not here.
You didn't get it, right? I didn't know who mama fought with and why should I talk in a different manner to some people? Like I have really seen you before or seen you fighting.
You act like a mature guy? Please stop this shit, baby boy. Do you think we get the picture of a mature guy while you're insulting everyone without any reason? And to be honest if you don't have the guts to take an 1on1, I seriously doubt you have what it needs to mess with someone this way face to face :) So please, drop the gritty big boy disguise and try to recover some of the dignity you lost writing what you just wrote.
I didnt even fighted with mama, its just sad that he has to fight with some 16 years old guy. Thats all what i sayed. And check the video plz there are only 2 guys who are fighting. As i said 1000 of times to mama i just came in to stop the fight and then got punched that didnt hitted only on my shoulder or smth by mama then i pushed him away to stop the fight.
I could easly have punched him so hard, because i was in his back but i didnt..

All the time im just saying 1 thing. The 16 years old guy is just a friend of me. He was stoint drank smoke 2 much i guess. Dont know what he did to mama, but then he dont have to punch him Just call adacore to put him away or something.
99,99 percent u wont come to the next cdc, of yes, u will be bashed
yeah you will stay and watch how some kids are pushing you, don't you? It's not about sinking to their level, it's about showing them their place. I would do the same.
@vixor and mama
image: peace_symbol_8
imho we need a mama's version
rly skilled, 4vs1 xddd
rofl, you are only flaming to vix0r coz hes not as famous as mama is.. but if maus and mama start fight, what would happen ? Imo, everyone would say maus won etc, and mama is sad piece of shit.

ye, my engrish > all. Try to get my point here -,-
ya man possible, but why they dont get the fact mama was attacking a 16 years old?
omg if some random kid whos 5 years younger than me is annyoing me i have some other opportunitiys than to beat him..
rly aldult mama sirious..
Agree with you.
BOOM HeadShot ... !!!!!!!!!!!
thats cool..
lately something intresting from a lan
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