oke it took me about an hour to write it but when i was done, and i clicked "add journal" my internet went down.
So because i am not gonna write everything again im just gonna give my greetings to some people:

Germany FaKy !!!!
Netherlands Boontje
Netherlands Revo
Netherlands Manhunt
Netherlands Goran
Germany Skydriver
Sweden Savage
Sweden Nuggan
Belgium Jetro
Belgium Worm
England Bulld0g
United Kingdom Pansy
Germany FaKy's brother
Czech Republic team eSuba for giving us wine and rum
Anonymous the guy who smoked the pure weed joint on the bong with me and FaKy
more flags !
Anonymous broken pc?
yeaa. wanna buy new1 for me :<`?
no better hurry up getting one :P
Whats up with all computer g33ks smoking weed? :P
dont stay behind and start smoking weed!
Im not as stupid as you are ;)
k im just gonna pretend you didnt say that...
You do so ^^

Its just stupid. I dont see the point of doing it :P
It makes you even more retarded then you are trying it.
get a life 15 yr old...
with this attitude you will never drink anything with alcohol? you will never go out because 2ndhandsmoking is bad for you too?
Are you getting pissed of now because i got another view at drugs?
Grow up..
no im getting pissed because you call me stupid and retarded for no reason.
i dont care about your view on drugs...ifyou dont want to use them because your mummy sais its bad for you then be my guest and dont use them. but i can already feel your hypocricy because i know you will (or already do) drink beer or other alcoholic drinks (which in fact, ARE drugs...)
Well i dont rly care about what you do but i just gave you my view on it.

I smoke cigarettes so im not so much better myself ^^
Sry if i insulted you then.. But i just think people are stupid doing it :P

EDIT: Ye i party quite often :DDD
hypocrisy at its highest level: smokers telling people smoking weed is bad for you :P
agree: smoking 1 joint is worse than smoking a sigaret... BUT you dont smoke only 1 sigaret...and you dont smoke a joint alone... in fact, smoking a joint is relatively "better" for you than smoking sigarets

but imo discussion closed
You may got a point there ^^
drugs are BAD !
for sum ppl maybe
so you were the guy noobing around with me & worm+smoking w33d in the cabins ;DDD

add Belgium jetro, worm
that was me :)
(didnt smoke IN the cabins btw)

hehe I know
Ha den jetro!
haaaa den domi, cava nog? hoeveelste zijn jullie dan nog geworden enzuu?
Gelijk met jullie? 7e ofzo toch? :D maar ben moe :( en last van me maag o0
ja just :p ik had heel da weekend last van men maag :p fucking te weinig slaap et c:p
Get a decent webbrowser that acually saves what you write so that you can just click back if there is some error
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