vessaR back from CDC4


back from holidays , heres my story

day one, ze friday
Well , it was friday , a superb day @ school ( 10 lessons , couldn't wait till end of ze day ) , got home and got a call from a friend. he asked me " do you wanna get wasted or what" , i was like yea sure np , then i got picked up at 21:00 to a houseparty with free booze and weed and girls (wtf, didn't seen them from 03' ET release) , were drinking Russia vodka mix with Europe redbull , was kind of wierd feeling (firsttimer with redbull wtf) got wasted around ~ 3:00 nighttime , it was like about 20 people in that house so it was fun yeee, after everyone got wasted , half of ze people calld ze taxi and fuck it was boring after , we went to sleep (8 wasted men on 1 bed , gayparty or wtf) , then i got up @ 12:00 , my friend was wasted but able to drive my ass back home. :-* him

day two , ze saturday
when i got home i was a little big drunk and had a superb hangover , great that i had Estonia limonaad & Europe multivitamin juice so it was no big deal with hangover, was playing ET & cod4 whole fucking day , ferus config rocked on UK pub so it was fun weh , around 18:00 i got a call from one of ze owners of the house (girl omg) to comeback with friends , sayd they got booze n stuff , so i was like np4me , we got there and got uberwasted again.. got home around 01:00-03:00 can't remember , so i went to sleep.

day three, ze sunday

it was 18:12 on clock when i got up , my Russia dad was walking around and i was like WTF why didn't you wake up me , he was like i dont care and shit. so i thought i need to wake up tommorow @ 07:00 and i ain't gonna go sleep cuz i fucking can't (great ~14 hours of sleep) , was playing ET , waching ETTV replays when Estonia Night owned with his rifle and Sweden ferus was bashing with his uber tracking skillz, also was reading all thouse "BAKC FR0M CDC SHIZZLE JOURNALS", and now i watched United States of America Next , with Nicolas Cage , awesome movie and now watching United States of America Cellular with United Kingdom Jason Statham.

i bet you don't care, but still , just gotta make a journal ;d
nice read tbfh
i'm spree's fanboy jarly
yea, pic of right after my accident, he seems to be obsessed by posting pics from me, dno what caused that, prolly braindamaged or smth. And he also hasn't been banned yet coz of his name, he's a big sol suckup. If I would spam someone's pic all over I'd get banned, but vessar? no! why would he! he loves sol!

fkin cunt needs a slap
could you tell us a bit about your accident? =)
Cellular is n1ce
vot tje delat nexui XDDDDDD
nice read, i enjoy your writing style loel :XD
ur gonna get banned m8 :/
if you have posted that picture before yourself then you dont have a big chance of getting him banned, but gl anyways
actually I didn't ;)
there are 2 places he could have got it from:

1: from ovie, he seemed to have spread it out
2: from the website were all the pictures from every class from my school made by the schoolfotographer were on
then I think you have a fair point to say that he should stop posting it, kinda sad to post pictures of someone without permission anyways

he's banned for a week now btw, luckily :/
too bad though that he needs to be banned, he can also just behave...
e-thugs don't behave, they break rules

image: Anarchy-red
where did ovie get it from?
i bet it self came up to intrawebs
yes :) netsplit.Mental1ty
thats like the worst reason ever to get banned. posting a picture of someone. oh btw i cant see that it would be disallowed.
naah, not funny ._.
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