CDC journaaaaalen

we (twidiironlettumikzame) are now on bremen´s airport. we missed the train so we had to come here with a taxi (only took 450e). the flight is leaving at 6:30 (local time).

im gonna make somekind of bigger journal when im @ home.

was nice tournament. thx toss & xfire for hosting CDC4 °! cu online

vae finn guys online-onlyz
nice ego ^^

but wp
nice fuck up xDDDDD
Lol, ootko jo suomessa
dont get full now
reload: im full
jaki: nice fuckup retard


next time we need a bigger zooone :D
:D only 450e gg
450 € shouldn't be a problem for rich finns. :P
450e, there goes your prize money :DD
bremen_b2 or bremen_b1 ??
450?!? lol...
Would've been cheaper to stay a couple days and book a new flight. :)
i prefer to wait for the next train and pay 40 euro's instead of a taxi with 450 euros :x
and get an even more expensive flight
next train would've been leaving just in the morning and we wouldn't have made it to the flight with that one anymore

and that 450 euros of course was in total, so for 5 people it was 90 euros each. if we would've not went with the taxi, we would've needed to go with train (40 euros each) + book new flights for wednesday (around 80 euros per person I'd guess) + spend 2 days more at Enschede/Bremen, which would've cost some money also

so that 90 euros per person for taxi sounded pretty nice compared to the other option

wasn't so nice to miss the last train from Enschede to Bremen with 1 or 2 minutes tho

p.s. @ home now!
ah like that :D now i got the story, i that case i totally agree with you
ja cheap taxi :x
:| sick! :))
terminator! :D

was nice meeting u mate!
there goes your prize money :P
matias ur a fucking legend and a rly funny guy. Nice meeting u arnold.
Who did you give cigaret's this ime :XD ?
sqzz, mikza, ferus and spho gave me!
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