bans from crossfire

k i was banned yesterday for writing a journal which was removed, and then a forum post which was also removed, it seems that either tosspot has removed it on request (thanks?!) or i was ony banned for a day

the reason for the ban which was displayed on my crossfire page when i try and view the site was "NO LOGS"

now fair enough, i suppose if these are crossfire rules then you could ban me if you really wanted to... but... it would be nice if the person who banned me replied on irc or something to my question as to why they removed my journal... before i took a wild guess and wrote it again in the forum post or messaged me on crossfire and told me not to paste logs once he removed it.. because there could have been 999 reasons as to why you removed my journal, so i assumed that it was too much random talk for a journal. if this person has time so sit on crossfire and remove journals and forum posts, then im sure he has 3 seconds to message me or reply.

secondly you should include the ban period on the message that is displayed to you when you try and visit the site

at the same time "frop" also banned someone with a reason "no google searches" ... im pretty sure some of these bans are completely retarded

perhaps my final and most important point is that no where on here:
or here
does it mention google or logs

and in the second it also states: Posts that are obvious trolls will be deleted, and the poster notified. Further offenses may result in banning

i totally agree with you, eventhough i only read the words "admins retarded"
I don't like the no log rule myself, but google search stuff is fine for ban
define google search, you can search everything on google?
I mean, if person A asks for something and person B answers "lolol retard use", then person B should be banned.
other way around, if person A asks something that is so fucking easy to google up, he should be punished. :XD
it might be easy for us, but we need to think about the possibility that the person A really is a retard and it isn't easy for him :XD
ofc some of the bans are completly retarded xD
mm..Some admins shows log's too why shouldnt you?
its a fact that admins r deleting and banning just like they want to, sometimes for fun!

QuoteReason: 4 day sol on holiday ban

i´ve quotet that for 10 times now ... the admin who was responsible for that "mature" reason didnt answer till today
Ronner said, he can proof it wasn´t

sol is deleting every german "good-morning" journal with the argument "its spam" - let me ask u Ireland sol: How many words in german r u able to undestand to judge like that?
Its a fact, that Ireland sol is deleting for personal reasons...and it seems like he is influencing other admins to do the same "bullshit" (how should someone mention the reason "4 day sol on holiday ban" without being influenced by sol?!?)!
And i wanna remember to the highly important content of the last journal of sol - no spam, only important infos!
At the end that "admin" was so bored, he even started to ban all 2nd/3rd accounts of the banned people...thats rly professional!

build up ur opinion!

if u wouldnt have so much time these days...
never had any of my journals deleted nor has i has ever been banned :[ guess there's quite often a valuable reason for such a action ...
Hahahaha, are you even listening to what you are writing?
Indeed! Hear the keys go "klap!klap!klap!" :>
not litterally...
had alaugh on that :D
yes, i am askin why another admin could give a reason like the one u read? so ridiculous beside the fact its not about me?
QuoteIts a fact, that sol is deleting for personal reasons...and it seems like he is influencing other admins to do the same "bullshit" (how should someone mention the reason "4 day sol on holiday ban" without being influenced by sol?!?)!
And i wanna remember to the highly important content of the last journal of sol - no spam, only important infos!
At the end that "admin" was so bored, he even started to ban all 2nd/3rd accounts of the banned people...thats rly professional!

Sol is not deleting for personal reasons, he would be kicked as an admin if he was doing so. Finally, after so many years, we as admins have a common set of rules. This means that all admins are behaving the same, and thereby not influenced by sol.
Users should respect being banned and not go and make a 2nd and 3rd profile, saying that and admin is so bored that he starts to ban those accounts is just retarded.
rofl. just rofl.
u r picking out parts and dont give a statement to the main point
i tried to figure out what lead me to that opinion...sol himself said our journals r spam...without understanding a word of the content
and then u get such unmature reasons...

dont try to blame yermans for creatin 2 or 17 accs (which is bad for sure, but caused by ?!?)...try to understand what kind of opinion sol is creatin when he spreads his unmature reasons and arguments

no offense, but it seems like ur also just defending mates without thinking (as everyone can read at ur first "hahaha")

QuoteSol is not deleting for personal reasons, he would be kicked as an admin if he was doing so

so...the reason "sol 4 day holiday ban" should be enough to ban that was a personal decision since the reason had nothin to do with violating any rules!
Quoteu r picking out parts and dont give a statement to the main point
i tried to figure out what lead me to that opinion...sol himself said our journals r spam...without understanding a word of the content
and then u get such unmature reasons...

I would also consider it spam, when a person is creating a journal every single morning saying "Good morning".

Quotedont try to blame yermans for creatin 2 or 17 accs (which is bad for sure, but caused by ?!?)...try to understand what kind of opinion sol is creatin when he spreads his unmature reasons and arguments.

I am not blaming any german people. I think it is immature to not accept that you are banned, but instead go and create a new account with a proxy. Sol is not being immature, he is just following the new rules that has come here to crossfire.

Quoteno offense, but it seems like ur also just defending mates without thinking (as everyone can read at ur first "hahaha")

I've had my fair share of arguments with sol about these new rules and I am not defending him at all; well only as a fellow admin.

Quoteso...the reason "sol 4 day holiday ban" should be enough to ban that was a personal decision since the reason had nothin to do with violating any rules!

I cannot comment on this, since I think it will be discussed amongst us admins.
Sol was out of control before the new ruleset too and making new accounts after getting banned is lame as hell.
i like ur last sentence...

i only wanna point out that the journals didnt have the title "good morning" - that tile was only bout 2 times set...10 times with different titles, all including (ger)
u cant relate "good morning" = spam
also the contents differed from politics, sports and news...without german skillz its hard to call it spam imo!

but anyway lets bring it to an´s gonna be discussed...thats more than i excepted since i´ve been spreadin sol´s ban-argument for almost one week without any reactions, thx!
Quoteits a fact that admins r deleting and banning just like they want to

I wouldn't go as far as "admins", it's just Sol and Sol alone really.
i heard bout Netherlands´s too
That is partially true too.
Still bitter about being kicked?
You're retarded and you have no idea what you're talking about.
another impressive argument?
tbh i shouldnt care, u never banned me nor talked in a bad dont start now...i didnt either, theres a difference between criticism and flame... i´m just a person with a bad job where i have to much time and inet
Read the last PM I sent you, if you don't get it after that then I give up trying to explain to you. Go ahead and thinking I'm a dictator banning and deleting without reason - apparently I'm even doing it while at LAN, nice!
you sir, are banning without reason!
prolly ill receive a ban from u even for this comment, right?
Your most important point missed the rules page:

Other things which are not allowed on Crossfire include:
- The posting of private logs (or screenshots of private logs)

It also says that "First-time offenders will be warned", and the logical thing for them to do would be to send a PM with a link to the applicable rules.

I don't see any rule against posting google searches, though such links would mostly be unnecessary if the admins actually had time to delete the "journals with questions which can easily be answered by Google".
sry i didnt see that

well then i scroll down and read:

First-time offenders will be warned

i wasnt warned, nor was the google guy
The whole "log" thing is justified because you are posting someone else's text without his approval. If it's only your writing, or you have express approval from the ppl involved, it should be no problem ;)
so surely taking PBSS and displaying them here is wrong too because its without his approval?
different subject, different purpose ;)
Taken from the PB's license agreement that everyone clicked "I Agree":

Further, Licensee consents to allow PunkBuster software to transfer actual screenshots taken of Licensee's computer during the operation of PunkBuster software for possible publication.

I'd say publishing PBSSs is legal and not breaching any copyrights.
Quoting usually falls under fair use unless it's understood that it's not for public consumption, as in "private" logs. I don't know how they can tell the difference unless the source of the quote complains though.

I can't find any rule against requesting/posting CD keys and pirated software/movies/music, so surely this isn't about copyrights. ^^
Copyright is not the only issue here. There's also the law of confidence, which basically says you may not disclose confidential information to others. So if it's private (query) you would be breaching the law of confidence if you make it public. If it's public already (public channel like or, you are left only with copyright issues, and posting seems "fair use" (or fair enough)
Isn't that what I said? :)
with other (hopefully more clear) words ;)
Think the adminning is fine and generally the only people who run into trouble are those who spend way too much time on this website anyway :P.
I smell random Belgian. I smelt right.
they should add the ban length and the admin to the bans, so you know when ur able to flame the right retarded admin.
You've been warned enough the past months, if you can't take the hint of a deleted journal I can't be arsed to take the trouble to personally contact you.
iv been warned?

hahaha u never warned me once, i had to ask repeatedly in crossfire why my journal was not allowed, and this therefore this takes my total posts removed to two, the first of which was not related to logs in any way, but instead you replied to the first one and told me it was more relevent to a forum post and i could re-post it as one, you didnt however reply to this one

dont play with the truth, how am i supposed to know why you removed the journal? of course i could check the rules, and thats a fault on my half... but if the first one you removed some weeks ago was regarding a completely different matter, how am i supposed to know why you removed this one? or what about the google one? thats not even mentioned where its niot even in the rules!

how about i abide by the posting rules if you abide by the admin rules and warn me before you ban me? and 2 times for a ban is a little harsh, even for 1 day, especially since the two where not related in any way and this ban relates to logs taken from a public irc channel: which has over 400 users.

you are not doing your job properly. thanks
You're a spamming nuisance, thanks.
your subject changing does not change the fact that i am right
i was talking to tosspot because they deleted my journals without any reasons
and tossgod solved my problem ^^
hahaah ja :D
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