gay school!

so i cycled for 45 min as always to school for my 3 lessons im supposed to have
so i arrive there, they tell me all teachers i have this day are ill ...
so thats fucking nice isnt it, cycling 1.5 hours for nothing :/
Een vooroordeel is een negatief oordeel dat niet
of nauwelijks op feiten berust.
i'ts good for you health
Sports is good for you!
you had your sport for today, now you can sit behind the pc for like 12 hours , gratz!
I haven't got enough condition for cycling 15 minutes 8)
fucking gay school, they could have just called me :<
Ever heard of car, moped or bus?
it's the cheapest way to move and faster than walking :D
to young for car
no money for moped
no bus avi o:
poor you :D
....i have to work from 07:00 - 16:00 ....

be quiet ehhh.......
Sorry that is nothing i wake up everyday at 7:00 go to school till 14:00 then i go to work till 00:00 everyday except weekends i work at 14:00 till 02:00 so you should be quiet ;o
who you work as?
my dad has a own restaurant and i work there everyday
me @ summer too :X

do u get money ?
like you have someting better to do
at least do you have inet now xD
btw hi2u dezzyyy :pp
ya i have it a week now!
i compensated it with 35 hours of playing ET past 7 days
hi2u2 ladyyy :]
HAHA i only slept 5h in 2 days :O guess i played more :p
omfg o: whas atraf @ you or smth xD
nothing new
there are schools for gays?
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