CDC4 ET Final Results

1. United Kingdom TLR
2. Europe nP
3. Belgium EDiT
4. Europe vae
5. France muse - Europe Random
7. Netherlands Ephix -Germany 8Bits

Netherlands Overload
Europe TAG
United Kingdom Unkind
Germany a.ToOn
Italy n1ce
Netherlands FiF
Netherlands MAZZ
Benelux hmg

Clans that disappointed you, surprised you in this CDC ?

I'd say TAG, Overload for deception and EDiT, muse, ephix for surprises

Random was ze best :)
TLR is a nice suprise :P
tlr beating nP

and hmg as last :<, its Benelux hMg?
TAG failed....
well performed by TLR, congratulations.
hmg looool wat doe je atemi bollee!
overload failed :-D but fireball was ownage
overdrive online only :D
zomg we were like 9-12th imho

expected better but really can't blame anyone, just muse for being awesome. At least we were there and had a good time.
thanks !
didn't even see you there :s
Yeah I was kinda sick Friday evening so I went to the hotel pretty early (Sheep thinks I'm a baby now :()
And saturday evening ? We played for 10 to 3 am :S
I was there on Saturday evening, but I wasn't really following the W:ET tournament anymore
Online Only!
muse is still LAN Only!
Yea but we'll try to keep the lanspirit for the next online games :P
hope so! nice pic at the mcdonalds btw :x
I'm 100% anti mcdo :l
me2, but the pic was nice xD
ephix was a suprise and I think nP could do better, they've made a few big fuck ups
OVERLOAd, TAG dissapointed muse surprised me
VAE failed
Muse suprised me, also ephix and 8Bits did.

Dissapointment was Overload.
edit didnt dissapoint imo
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