storm @ cdc

Tosspot was afraid of dying friday night i think :D And shmoe sleept in his car outside when the storm was like 200kmh fast... was really a freaking weather outside at CDC, but if u think that was "though", have a look at this...

Saturday @ Hamburg Airport:
was n1 :D the car was like shaking all night thunder and lightning striking around me :D i woke up @ about 4:30 and then @ 8:30 and 11:30 again ^^ :) no good sleeping but n1 irl effects n stuff :D
ich soll dir sagen das wir nen 3bett zimmer haben und du ja da pennen kannst
hab ich schon gehört. danke aber ich penn lieber zu hause ^^

wie sieht das mit unsrem deal aus? :p
no deal!:)

qry @ irc
Yea i was inteh car with half of overload and that was scary as fuck xD Couldnt see 2 feet in front of the car :(
i was sleeping... and woke up around 3.30 was like thunder and lightning non-stop! raining like hell and a hard wind. Was so scared!
we were playing dignitas when that all happend, didn't saw a single lightning or anything
Was the same for all muse coming back from WZZRD to the hotel , it was like 4am and I had to stop the car in the middle of the road as I couldn't see anything in front of me. Scarying

Hopefully, the hotel was just 1km away from where the storm began
damn! When my plane landed in Dublin on way back from Poland there was shit strong winds to and everyone started clapping the pilot when it landed ^^
sick shit were they landed eventualy
"der anflug war anspruchsvoll"
lol cold like ice that pilot!!!
i lold more @ the destroyed british airways plane placed near the runway at heathrow
so u could see the whole damage on it
nice for ppl who fear flying :D
unbanned? :o
ich bin auch samstag und sonntag geflogen,war wohl lustig :<
wie du bist geflogen? was warn nu los?
war samstag mit meiner freundin ihrem dad und dem chef von ihm in istanbul :-D
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