more funniez info about cdc4

Me and w3st said we would have a competition to see who would pull (get someone to like them) first. So we were in stansted airport eating a pizza at frankie and benny's and danny (w3st) gets up and asks some waiter where the toilet is, so the waiter directs him and as danny goes to the toilet the waiter stares at his ass for like 2mins. When danny got back i told him about the waiter and he was not amused. Then when we got on the plane the air steward or w/e u call em (the gay one's) stared at danny everytime he walked past aswell :D.

Also walking home 1 night we got irritated at the amount of bicycles on the roads so w3st decided to steal 1 and ride it for 5 yards and then dump it on the floor :D.

1 night when i was a bit drunk i told savage and nuggan who are really great guys that i thought/used to think they cheated and the rest of the swedish players they play with - which made me look like a cock :D.

Sqzz thinking that there was 8 days in 1 week and that when i told him there were 7 days in a week he replied "does that include weekends?" He also thought that the sun and the moon were the same thing :D. <--- fucking legend.

The shoutcast by tosspot was also hillarious. I always knew he was a great shoutcaster but some of the things he was coming out with were hillarious. Like panzers blowing themself up - he would refer to it as a hummel panzer, and rifles shooting shit shots or blowing themself up with rifle grenades he would refer to a vila.

More funny journals to come, if ur bored of them im sorry but the whole weekend was amazing.
n1 this journal made my day ;)
n1c3 0n3
tell me more...
Sqzz thinking that there was 8 days in 1 week and that when i told him there were 7 days in a week he replied "does that include weekends?" He also thought that the sun and the moon were the same thing :D. <--- fucking legend.

also lol'd at that :XD
me too :XD
once razz said something like that , but i dont remember :D

edit: He asked is UK in europe or something
kids! ..let them grow !
aajhaha :XD jezus
too long to read!
do u have some pix R0SSZ0rje!?? :)
made my day:D
oh.. i thought germans are most stupid nations
you thought germans are nations? if there were as many nations as there are germans you would be crossing a border every 2 steps u take
fckn rofl xD
i thought swedens are kewl guys..think i failed at that
You have just proven that Germans are most stupid nations.
sagt der exildeutsche
naja ohne bismarck wärst du däne
Hör mir auf mit Bismarck, morgen Geschichtsklausur, Bismarck dem seine Außenpolitik und Kaiser Wilhelm und rat ma wer noch nicht gelernt hat.
hatte 1 punkt weil der spack von lehrer nur karikaturn mit papst und bismarck dranbrachte...2 std gelernt und dacht ich kann alles ffs
Der gute alte Kulturkampf? :)
kp dachte eig immer die sin gute kollegen weil bismarck als konservativ galt, aber dem war wohl nich so x)
Na wenn du das so geschrieben hast ist der Punkt auch gerechtfertigt :[)
nene die aufgabe hab ich glaub ausgelassen oder war im dezember also schon lang her...aber trotzdem..warum stellt der net normale fragen sondern bringt 4 quellen/karikaturn dran und nur eine frage über die kriege (bei der es natürlich net reicht die zu beschreiben, sondern man auch noch iwas von wegen liberalismus und was weiß ich schreiben muss...) naja etz is eh dass es bei dir besser aussieht:)
Die Hoffnung schwindet :)
W3st your sexy - expected.

n1 ROss mate - glad you had a good time - lol @ sqzz - hes fucking funny.
damn sqzz, I forgot to steal your fucking keyboard and config :)
haha .. :xD
u love stealing things dont u? For example that server u stole for me and sqzz to play a 3on3 against u, then all of a sudden we get kicked and u tell me it isnt ur server :D
but we borrowed the server in the end and were able to play there, so nP!
give me a pic of w3st !
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