CDC5 and beyond!

I really liked CDC4, but I'm an asshole so I'll write down some stuff that would have made the lan more fun :P

+ name tags for ET players, some ppl came to CDC and i didnt even know they were there :'(
+ spectating @ the console corner > spectating @ the sportsbar.
+ keep ET and CoD seperated if possible. Both communities have little in common and come to CDC for different reasons.
+ disallow all tweaking that cannot be done by drivers
+ shoutcast close games rather than topclans (in Cod it makes sens to cover the big names, in ET it really doesnt)
+ gtfo with the music :'( Check the 6th avi if you want to know what I mean:
+ allow more ET clans to come. There were ETQW and CoD clans who didnt turn up, all ET clans showed up. I'm sure ET can send at least 20, possibly 24 clans to the next edition of the Crossfire LAN. Look at the polish community, they have so many clans just because they have LANs. LANs will keep ET alive, them more clans can come to CDC, the longer ET will live.

Post your ideas here!
pick me pick me to cdc5 team im low
fat / chick ... you cant combine that
totally agree
nice ideas
Stop dissin' it please?

i dont understand why you have made a journal about this - when there are so many other journals about how many people enjoyed it - doesn't add up does it?
I'm not dissing anything. Learn to read.
+ gtfo with the music :'( Check the 6th avi if you want to know what I mean: (url) []

that music is fucking ace imo :D
Btw, were you actually there?
no. just know insta how much effort went into it :D
Dude, we all enjoyed it a lot. I'm just pointing out some stuff that could be improved on in the future.
Oh.. Lol sorry :D
agree, cant say more :]

oja + do the cerymony when everybody is there, cuz anouncing awards + but the right person isnt there sux imo :<
it was fun, but it just could be better ofcourse :)
the music was shit idd and way too loud!
agree with that shitty music
true.. the music was horrible.. the shouting of CoD4 teams was distracting.. almost no(?) match of ET was shoutcasted ( ye np vs edit or sumthing)
the music was liek, always the same bassline just random lyrics included for 5+ hours. At sunday I guess it was some CD or playlist because I was hearing the same song for every hour or so :X
Especialy the last point would be great,
mmm....i think i would agree on all those terms
it's not like anyone wants to see you there anyway mav!!!!!
nice lying skills :P
totaly agree
+ hang out an schedule and dont let adacore do all the work (teamcaptain has to report the game results not adacore running for them)
Casting of the ET final was very unprofessional. Even though the final WAS boring as hell, I don't think it's the shoutcaster's job to tell people to forget the last hour or so and have a don't-care-attitude towards the whole game.

Imagine a similar situation in a football game, during the second overtime in a 0-0 situation: the shoutcaster having random 5 minute breaks and telling people to forget game, because the penalty shoots starting soon.

I can understand the frustration of not much happening, and the event taking it's toll on Tosspot etc., but still... Hmh.
Name tags would have been nice. England Adacore can look and see that I'm not Estonia Night next time :XD
Didnt they try to get 24 clans at CDC3 which they couldnt get??
hey wel positief blijven eh!
did you forget the fact some teams had to play 2 qualifiers to qualify because of the high number of sign ups without having place for them at cdc3:)?
Everyone could mix a team in the end, and they got 20 / 21 teams? couldnt get 24 without qualifiers as far as I remember.
totally agree
sorry but seriously get the fuck out with that dj inside the center, how can you focus with the bass-box like 3m behind you. i couldn't hear one single enemy and i guess i was not the only one. even no sound is better than a dj in your fucking back when you got an important game.
ill be there for cdc5 :O
me2 i think fex :D
LANs will keep ET alive, them more clans can come to CDC, the longer ET will live.

totally agree
Quote+ disallow all tweaking that cannot be done by drivers

That would really suck for people that do not use some new awesome blinking and glowing mice :(
Its a normal rule in most LANs that arent BYOC

But did it actually delay the tournament again? Did not really notice anyone having problems with those tweaks, rather with the pretty crappy computers and people installing some random messengers or other shit on it.
or glowing headsets :XD
agree with last one : D
QuoteLANs will keep ET alive, them more clans can come to CDC, the longer ET will live.

WORD mate !
agree on every single word Mr. =)
I agree with everything except the shoutcasting point, shoutcasting just like television is done for audiences which are pulled by reputation - Sky Sports put Liverpool vs Inter Milan on SkySports 1 because they are bigger names regardless of the form that the teams are in. The comparable example which I think you raised, was doing EDiT vs overload aginst doing overload vs hmg, high reputation & the teams that almost fought last year vs a closer match.

Seperated events wont happen though, they are an incredible workload regardless of whether there is 1 game or 2 or 3. CDC3 for example was almost as stressful as CDC4 even though I can see the benefits from a spectator point of view.

However, the next event is very different. These events have run their course.
QuoteSeperated events wont happen though, they are an incredible workload regardless of whether there is 1 game or 2 or 3.

Seperate events isn't what i ment. More like both communities visit CDC for different reasons and therefore expect different things.

I think the nametags would be awesome for a community like ET. CoD teams are all sponsored and have shirts, but there werent much CoD spectators execpt for the teams. ET people go to CDC to meet people, CoD ppl for serious business. They expect different things :P

Tbh, I would love to be of a more constructive use, prolly much like FDJ, instead of whining :P
We printed off nametags for CPC2 and never used them! Its definately something we've thought of.

i've a column coming soon that outlines alot of stuff for the future.
"keep ET and CoD seperated if possible. Both communities have little in common and come to CDC for different reasons"

If you mean on this to organise a lan for ET and a different lan for CoD then I can't agree. Crossfire LAN should grow, more and more main games should be used year by year. That would mean popularity for ET too, like news on the main eSports sites like now on SK, fnatic, gotfrag, esreality etc. Also try to imagine this after adding for example WC3, Fifa or CS to the gamelist. In my opinion TosspoT and the CDC crew has all contacts to make this possible, only sponsors and time is the question. At least if I were them I would do this!
agree, and besides, its fun to check out other games.. And besides, alot of pp play/played more than one of these games
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