cdc4 fight

Whant to see cdc4 fight stream??
LMFAO too funny :DD
mama is such a nice guy <3
nice from mama but this clip is so overrated, just an avarage fight and ppl on crossfire react like its the first fight they've ever seen ...
They dont live in the ghetto like you.

they live in front of their computers
xDD lol'd irl
haha :D
I have seen some fights. But fighting for such a retarded reason makes it funnyer. xD
what was the reason? did they use mama's mouse?
From what I have heard. Mama was pissed off cuz he was being owned ingame. Then he stood up and punched vixor's meight. And then vixor punched him back. The rest is obvious.
cdc goes ghetto
Internet... Serious business.
Not at all ...
Vixor & his m8's were acting retarded... they were calling names to mama, mama said to back off.. Vixor & co kept on herassing mama, then vixor shoved mama & the rest is in the movie
Heard enough story's now and I still have no idea which one to believe.
yeah same, i heard mama started aswell
But you are... ne zot!
Shame the pussies couldn't even punch properly, then mama managed to get 2 nice punches into him (judging from that clip)
:D <3 mama

btw with who he fighted?
who punched who and why :D ?
urtier punched mama cause he ate his last sandwich
die in a carcrash :)
that's one funny shit man ;D if i were there, im sure i wouldve laughed about the fact that 3 out of 4 guys were just standing there and not trying to end the fight / fight with one of them, they gave like 1? punch/kick, it failed epicly.

btw who's that guy that comes at the very end and is standing there, was he trying to end it or to hit mama? :d
lol! xDDD
so mamalukes owned :D
hahaha the guy with a blue cap

ps: ur nick means weed translated to russian :p
mama fails to fail this time
i heard mama started :o
2 hs v56
nice mama, who is that guy in that red shirt
LOL HAX 2HS and 1body :XD

look at 00:25 omg.. nice knowing and aim.. new bot? ;!x
mama pwnz
:D was jokes to watch "ooo fight fight fight"
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