Runescape classic anyone ?

image: demonikoa4

Welcome to the world of DemonikOnline. A premium JagLike server with increased experience, constant uptime, and various modifications to make gameplay fun again. Can't make any account on Jag's old game? Come play here. Our userbase is made up of all old-school players who vary in age from 13-40. We have multi-world functionality, as well as member-only premium content. By far the best server of it's kind with all original ideas and concepts. With our outstanding staff and administrators this game is bound to be a big hit just for old-times sake. Registration is easy and the client is just a download away. Come try us out, there's nothing to lose!!!

To join DemonikOnline click here

If you're interested in playing, just check it out.
do you hear that sound?
You do not have permission to view these forums.
You have to register first though :P
fucking triple idiot , go die.
runescape is awesome
Welcome DemonikOnline members I have now opened up a gateway for those that need it, to make some money while playing Demonik. I have installed a referral mod for those of you who wish to earn some cash and in game items. I will first outline a way for you to make $ first.

In order to get some more users here I have made a simple post for everyone here to advertise with. In order to enter you must take the below code and copy paste it on another forum, website, or even just the banner's in your profile. The way it will work is as follows:

1 - Copy paste the code and post it on either a website, forum, forum profile, or any other place of your choosing.

2 - Submit the URL and date it was posted on the 'Advertising' forum with your forum name as the topic title.

3 - Wait until Friday of every week and for every 5 referral registers you receive, you will earn $1.00. Payouts will be in PayPal or if you wish I can substitute it for a subscription payment.

4 - To check your referral registers click 'Profile' at the top of the page, and scroll down until you have reached the section where it says:

Referral Count: 1

Referral URL: -----

You will need this referral URL as it is what ties the registrations to your name. Plug this URL into the code below in order to receive credit.


- Do not spam forums. People will not take kindly to the game if you spam up their forums with advertisements. If someone has already advertised to a certain forum please do not repost it.

- Do not repost if the original was deleted or moved.

- Do not cheat the register system as I can see the IP's and forum accounts registered under your name and I will ban you if I find you are trying to earn money unfairly.

Hmmm, i wonder could this be spam?
Die of mange.
Hey, no dissing Runescape! Besides, what can a single man do after he gets bored of fapping...
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