my CDC4

This is journal about my CDC trip, where I had great time. I dont care if you dont care.

I woke up like at 5AM packed my baggs and left to tampere airport, I checked in just in time! I met teh Finland vae finn(FinlandmikzaFinlandtwidiFinlandlettu) guys and Finland Iron there.

we landed Germany bremen some hours later where we saw Germany cutty. we went to his house by some Germany straBenbahns. we bought some Germany beer, watched Germany porn channels (ABSOLUTELY AMAZING). later on Finland we(finns) tried to go Germany "casino". we couldnt get in, coz Finland twidi was 17 according to the dude who couldn't speak english and was watching our passports. Finland we went back to Germany cutty's house and watched some Germany pr0n and started sleeping on the floor (WAS AMAZING) :--D.

Europe we woke up like 10am, Europe we went to eat some Germany breakfast. after that Finland we went to buy train tickets (thx to Germany cutty for helping us with them).

Finland we switched Germany train 3 times, took only 4 hours get to Netherlands enschede. @ enschede, Finland we went to eat. after that Finland we found teh cabins. drunk some Germany beers there and later went to wizzard where Finland we saw lots of nice Europe guys! later Finland we played some poker, Finland I totally raped other Finland finn guys @ it, and made Finland Iron sad panda! after that we went to the cabins and woke up United Kingdom TLR's cod4 players with United Kingdom unkind(<3 them all) guys :D (cod4 team had game in 4 hours or smth).

Finland I woke up alone @ the cabins at like 4pm or smth. took shower and went to wizzard where I heard that Europe we(TLR] dont have game tonight.. coz tox was shitting all day long.

Finland we(mikzalettutwidime) went to the central of enschede where Finland twidi and Finland mikza went to casino for whole day, I bought beer with lettu and went back to cabins where Finland we couldnt get in coz United Kingdom evo had teh key. so Finland we went to wizzard where Finland we specced some games, bought beers and went to sleep after that.

Finland I woke up like at 1pm. and went to wizzard. Europe we(TLR) had our first game at 4 pm vs Germany aToon. later on Europe we had 4 more games (we won all of them 4-0. after that I went to the toilet, where I waited like 5 mins and then Netherlands maverick came out of it :D and he said "I doubt you wanna go in" Finland I went in and the smell... it was so fucking unbelievable, couldnt breath there.
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After all this fail Finland I started to drink 'some' beers. Then the poker tournament started. on the first round Finland I put all-in and I was the first one to drop out. after that Finland I dont remember much, got some free beers from wizzard. Netherlands azzor was getting pwned in poker, so I started to help him. in like 5mins Netherlands he was almost leading the table! but when the Belgium belgians came next to him Netherlands he just fucked it up and Netherlands he lost like Netherlands fost.
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@ right Finland me & Netherlands azz0r

I left wizzard like at 5AM walked to the cabins, where Finland I heard that the United Kingdom TLR'S COD4 team were not sleeping! so Finland I went upstrairs and started to talk some shit with them :D. Finland I went to sleep like 6:30 AM.

not so many hours later, I woke up when Finland Iron was shaking me and he said that we got a game vs Europe nP. 5mins later Europe we were going to wizzard with a car. ate some breakfast when ada said to us 'connect to the server' :D. some mins later Europe we started our match. they won it 4-2 ! we fucked it totally up.
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later on we played Belgium belgians, won them! and we were in the grand finals!

in the finals we played fucking 6 maps took like 3 hours. Finland mikzatwidiandlettu had left already when had finished our game. but suddenly Finland they came back and said that Finland they missed the train :DDDDDDDDD. the prize ceremony started. I think I looked wasted there.
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from left to right: Finland Iron, Finland Me, United Kingdom Sheep, Malta Toxic

later we called a taxi to drive Finland us to Germany bremen (coz there were no trains going anymore!) . we just lost 450e for that :D.

Finland we were back @ Germany bremen. Finland we went in some random building coz the airport was closed. Finland we heard some weird voices there, like a Europe woman who would been getting fucked. Finland we were all excited so Finland I went to check it out. couldn't find anything though :<, Finland we were sad and tired again.

Finland we went to teh plane and some hours later Finland we were @ finland. Finland mikza gave us a ride to the railstation. bought tickets and came home!

I want to say sorry to all the guys I 'flamed' ingame, it was just part of my tactic to win the tournament! dont take it too seriously :D

shoutout to every hand I shaked, tosspot & co for making such a nice tournament.
hopefully see you @ CDC5.
yo :D! with who you fighted ? :---D
vix0r ton1 + some randoms
nais 2 read
1500 - 450 = ?

not many :DDDDDDd
nice to read ;)
where did u sleep at sunday night?
in taxi, some random building, airport, plane, train, buss :-D
lol liek me with my friends in dublin night :p but we had no building only a street
it was fucking cold :E
same :D i almost died at this night at 6 opened one kaffee shop where we wer gettign warm as drinking kaffe and at 7 we had a bus
hah theres pubs that open at like 6 in dublin! There called "early houses" :P
Matias owns it, best read + use of flags ever :D

GG's was nice to spec :)
The sad thing is, I didn't even see you until the prizes were presented. :/
yes. btw n1 getting admin status! gn8 now
you are gay; shoutout to every hand I shaked
haha evriday u drank beer xD,

nice to read :)
flagwhoring ftw \o>
i bet you paied the taxi with the crossfire money
Did you clean your mousemat OK after falling in the ditch that night?
lol matsy told me next morning :D
Yeah, I think he showered with it.
Matias : foSt you dont have pokerface

foSt: You have a cancer face

Matias: says nothing ^^

:DD nice journal <3
looool :D
nice faty, interesting reading
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