new mouSe!?

After buying the Qpad CT i want a new mouse also i think about the Intelli Mouse 3.0 i always played with a random noob mouse genius 505 or smth with razer exactmat now i play with the qpad so i think about buying a new mAus
What do you guys think about the ime 3.0 ?

you didnt steal one on cdc?
Tell me why should i?
why shouldn't you?
Think about it was your own mouse example the mx518 €60 in the store and a random guy stole it from you how would you feel would you like that? (sorry for my english)
i would recommend a razer deathadder or a mx 518

btw i played with a deathadder on a qpad and its very nice
i played with a deathadder and mx 518 but i dont like them in my hand not confurtable i also tried the diamondback i played with a intellimouse 1.1 long time ago and that mouse was just fucking awesome so i think i will go for the microsoft intelli mouse 3.0
that mouse looks also nice :D

and dont steal my twixes again xD
Hahahahah =D now i know why you werent at CDC4 !!
true :DDD
But i was stoned and had hungry so you could have expect that !!
hahah skaffaaa im coming to cdc5 so i will bring some extra twixes xD

whahaha =DDD ill bring the weed then Cu tHeRE
3.0 and ct is rly nice :)
Do you use glidz ?
i did, until they fell off the mouse :) they make the pad a little faster, but its nice both ways :)
ye idd i had the same problem i buyed qpad glidz at cdc4 but i dont like it tbh i aimed better without and i couldnt move my mouse so good with the glidz, like you said they also felt of my mouse stupid glidz thank you for the info about the mouse
its just 400 dpi right?
i have a mx518 with steelpad mousekstaez + steelpad S&S and well, you will get used to the glides. I like mine much, nicer to play with them imo, makes the mouse run very good on the pad ^_^
Ye i used the qpad glidez on my razer exactmat it was nice then but on my qpad it was sucky i couldnt aim above me and down for me my mouse didnt moved up/down right left it was fucking smooth but up and down not so i tried a new pack of qpad glidz under my mouse still same prob now i play without and its nicer and still fucking smooth so :))))

(sorry for my engrish=D)
hmm :C never had the qpad glidz, so no idea :P
not sure dpi, probably 400 yeh

some advice

if you play COD i recommend you buy lazer mouse (g5 tbh) i had the g5 and g7 for free, they were very nice for precise pixel aiming + the dpi changing has its advantages sometimes, ie bomb defuses etc xD

if you play ET/QUAKE i recommend you buy optical mouse (mx518 or 3.0) because its smooth tracking and just feels perfect for these games. i vote you buy 3.0 because its what i use now, but 518 is also as nice (although i didnt try it)

dont go with razer :)
diamondback 3G !
he's alive
Qpad CT and ime 3.0 here and it's the best combination I've ever used. :)

Remember to put ime 3.0 to 1000hz so you have less neg. accel and it's much more responsive.
does the ime 3.0 goes to the 1000hz? i mean stable 1000?
It isnt stable on low speeds (LIKE ANY OTHER MOUSE) but yea it keeps it stable all the other time :) I have always played with 1000hz
Ah thanks for the info mate
Do you use glidz
Nope :P I have never even tried them :o
Oke i advise you to not do it dont buy those stupid qpad glidz its nice on a hard mousemat like razer exactmat or smth but with the qpad it sucks hell
Ive got the ime3.0 too its a nice moue,
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