new mouSe!?
4 Mar 2008, 11:00
After buying the Qpad CT i want a new mouse also i think about the Intelli Mouse 3.0 i always played with a random noob mouse genius 505 or smth with razer exactmat now i play with the qpad so i think about buying a new mAus
What do you guys think about the ime 3.0 ?
What do you guys think about the ime 3.0 ?
btw i played with a deathadder on a qpad and its very nice
and dont steal my twixes again xD
its just 400 dpi right?
(sorry for my engrish=D)
some advice
if you play COD i recommend you buy lazer mouse (g5 tbh) i had the g5 and g7 for free, they were very nice for precise pixel aiming + the dpi changing has its advantages sometimes, ie bomb defuses etc xD
if you play ET/QUAKE i recommend you buy optical mouse (mx518 or 3.0) because its smooth tracking and just feels perfect for these games. i vote you buy 3.0 because its what i use now, but 518 is also as nice (although i didnt try it)
dont go with razer :)
Remember to put ime 3.0 to 1000hz so you have less neg. accel and it's much more responsive.