I'm asleep.

I'm writing this while at work, asleep and typing at the same time. If you think you can best that then... You are a liar. The only way to beat it is if you had a mattress at work. Which none of you have. Therefore, you cannot top it and I want some toast, can you make toast? I can. We have no bread though, or butter. But wait... Surely.

Can it be? Asleep, work, typing AND toast? That would beat the above so.. If you meet the criteria, you are a god, simply put.

So, who's to say that a space time paradox crossed with a space time continuum could cause inflation of prices for petroleum testosterone?

Not me, thats who.

Good day to you, Dr "Trrkoid"
That makes no sense!
Only to your feeble crustacios mind. Thats right, you eat small pieces of seaweed and maybe a few rocks, how does that make you feel?

In all honesty though, pancakes would be nice, with a few minstrals and keyboards.
best journal ever.
the man has a point here
Hail to the thief!

Can 'a get a witness!?!!
You've either been awake a very long time


You've had a bath-bong to yourself
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