i guess its time to do mine..

u've all heard about me this weekend, i spent more time around the loo then near ppl, always made sure that i had the closest seat to the loo and everything, it won me the TOILET HUGGER award tho! :D

i dont feel like writin some really long journal with in depth details yet, so ye...

was an awesome weekend and when i was around ppl it was awesome!!

1st place isnt too shabby either :P

U got _really_ hairy arms bro
i got more
pic or it never happened
cba to take pix of my hands lawl, i will show u next time @ cdc.
<3 m8
but you shouldn't drink too much next time
niah he would not survive even one normal polish libation if thats the point lal;c vodka ftw
maybe he inject it allready.
i dont get what ppl dont understand about the word ill....

im at home in bed restin, meant to be at school but the doctor told me to stay here, gave me more medicine, and he will check on me again on thursday to see if i go to school then

i only had a couple of pints on thursday... i can drink that through my ass and it wouldnt have an effect on me

ohh than i misunderstanded smth sry
but hopefully you get well soon
nice whining at us whilst you were still @ warmup mode :P
i was the last guy to ready up, was fukin annoyin havin yermans shouting right next to me durin a final, couldnt hear fuck
was nice to meet you :)
You were ill and still won...

you are a fucking hero,I salute you
Congratulations, you've achieved much more than I ever expected you to! Nice job on CDC win! ;)
wB steve-o..hope you'll get better soon!
thx again for the ride btw :D
hey tox, was nice to see you getting better at saturday!
I just woke up btw, went to sleep at 11PM last night. :D

14 combo hours yay
your award was pretty special :D
well done...
was nice to see you tox :)
Nais one
lol @ toxic


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