cdc fact or fiction?

Two of the following statements are facts about cdc. One of them is fiction.

1) On his journey home from cdc, Denmark Chapter (poker king) took a lead roll in a sex show in amsterdam!
2) On his journey homefrom cdc, Ireland Herbal after deciding a sex show just wasnt enough for him, decided to visit one of amsterdams red light windows, for aproximately 6 minutes.
3) England Bulldog only drank water all weekend.

answers in your comments pls ....
1 and 3 are facts
everyone there knows what Bulldog did so .. WTF :DDD
3 can't be true.
I shook herbal's hand in Amsterdam airport. This was AFTER said incident. :(((
Bulld0g even asked me & worm to pay him in beers so.. 3 = FICTION kthx
Bulldog drank only water <-- a good man ! (if its true)
3 isnt true! I saw bullie drinking beer all teh time!
If Bulldog drank no beer the laws of physics would be bollocks as well.
1+2 are connected so 3 is the false story
Im so cool i dont care!
WTF srsly wtf
hahahhaahaha so nice guys :D:D

And as if Bulldog would be sober loel
i saw you, at cdc! :>
I didn't see you :<
neither did i! :-(

i was around ONLY on sunday, for watching finals only. :-P
no meet and greet with you that lan either!

where have you been? :'(
How odd, 1 happened to me and matt and 2 kind of happened to me but I not sure how long I took.
np4me because I did 3 with Bulldog! :D
3 is fail!
3 is fiction ofc
I bet Chapter was in the Banana Bar and ate some banana's or whipped cream off a chick and Herbal was talking about hookers the entire weekend...:P Bulld0g and I drank loads of pints, so the last one is bullshit :P
I only saw Bulldog without a pint one time and it was becaus he was looking to get some food in one of those restaurants, rly wtf haha

image: normal_SSL20133
:D !
damn! we got busted :)
i like ur T-shirt :O
hehe, made it for CDC3...says "What are you looking at n00b?"
oh cool u made it, :DD i't looks awsome

i saw a picture of u showing the back of the t-shirt it was 1 more text what was it ? xD
on the back it says "FUCK YOU BACKRAPER! "
hehe, nice :)
so what did he do in the red window??? :-)) >:-OO
painted it white
3 is fiction, everyone knows herbal, the slut that he is, always goes to whores in a'dam.
nice going chapter and herbal :DDD

because 3 is definately fiction
1+2 true :)
I like the slutty ones...
And it wasnt 6 minutes.. more like gone in sixty seconds
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