4 Mar 2008, 23:58
I just nearly got a fucking heartattack. Some big hairy spider was crawling and tickling over my arm, I'm fucking afraid of those shithead nobrain cunt low- skill useless pricks :@:@:@:@ (pussy me)
Now my heart is pumpin like a maniac, goddamn shit spiders :<
I feel like a pussy :-<
Edit: This will surely be in one of Ruipperi's updates :<
Now my heart is pumpin like a maniac, goddamn shit spiders :<
I feel like a pussy :-<
Edit: This will surely be in one of Ruipperi's updates :<
I went hunting for them in Australia.
Found loads of redback (my fav) and was obvs careful because I didn't want to end up in hospital :D
u sure women aren't ur fav things ever?
Maybe I over-exaggerated a little with the spiders, but they're the coolest creatures going!
I know I would pick the car -_-
Both are pricey though, but try riding a women at 200mph and making her drift and I'll possibly change my mind ;)
drifts: gonna hurt
Feel free to call me spider though :D
sexy bastard <3
Your other brothers cant denie
That when a spider walks in with an itty bitty waist
And a round thing in your face
if you want big and dangerous, you'd have to go more south.
rainforests, deserts, ...
I get heart attack each time :s
but still spiders are shit scary sometimes - other times there n1.
too patethic for my pic. i pity you.
too bad that ive destroyed your self esteem totally :-(
It was right above my head in the door. It was a real MONSTER, but I'm a brave man!
First I gassed it (good old Hitler knew what works best) and then I crushed it with my 1337 frog-shaped flapper aka >>The green club of death!!1<<
Now there's a huge mark consisting of my enemy's bodily fluids, but it was worth it! :DD
Into battle I ride with Gods by my side
I am strong and not afraid to die
I have an urge to kill and my lust for blood has to be fulfilled
I'll fight till the end! And send my enemies straight to Hell!