gonna buy etqw today maybe

i might buy it today, mainly just for my collection and i dont think ill play it on any level.. anyone want to play some pub or something tonight if i do? ! i played beta 1 with lolicon (crumbs, hentai etc) played about 2 wars in beta 2 then quit as that map was rubbish and all vehicle spam... but from the videos i see of it now it looks like i can really play with my aim :D

grab me in irc #nvc or #crossfire or #thelastresort or just pm me i d/c around 20cet - if you fancy a game
me has qw but played only 5 minutes.
what a waste
give it to me xD anyway i go UNI, buh bye
hf hf hf bb :D
Get it from the internet, cheapest (CD-WOW or Amazon)
On maps where you cant use veichless its lots of fun. But after few minutes map changes and there come a tanks again.
You forgot about one thing - http://clanbase.ggl.com/news_league.php?lid=6547

Check how many clans signed up. Better buy CoD 4... it's a nice game too, I just haven't got enough free time to play it on any classify level (even low).
hello United Kingdom sheep
i have cod4 too, its more spam than aim :<

do enjoy it though sometimes, maybe i'll reconsider when i change ISP next week and have nice ping.. but i cant see myself playing it on a higher level where as i really enjoyed etqw in beta 1 with lolicon.. the gametype is so much better, played cod2 alot and im bored of SD and round based games tbh
How weird.
it can be a lot of fun!
I bought it some weeks ago, didn't take it out of the plastic yet ^^
I bought it some months ago, played it ~ 20 min vs. bots ^^
it looks kinda fun in movies, unlike cod4 which seem to be quite boring
cod4 is much better imo
Where did you base that opinion on?
i dont like starwars shooters..-> et:qw sux
i played cod4 @ lan -> owns
i dont like modern shooters..-> cod4 sucks
i played (and won :P) etqw @ lan -> owns

Other than that I just don't like the roundbased gameplay because its not really rewarding enough (you win a round and start over again, and again, and again, and then you start a new map, and still do the same thing again, and again), W:ET / ET:QW multistage objective maps keep me attracted to playing because you don't keep doing the same :)
i couldn't agree more!
that's why i might consider ETQW when promod reaches an 1.00 stage
well it's already quite complete atm.
so we might as well just call it 1.0 now then.
u has a collection? too much money, eh?
i have a collection of bad games :( need some good ones to join ET, Q3 and Rollercoaster Tycoon 3!
ETQW lags :(
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