Scooter (2all jumpstylers)

image: post-1-1196893777

Germany Scooter on "Jumping All Over The World Tour" from 27.03.08 - 12.04.08 are looking for the best "Jumpstyle-Act"!
You think you got some nice jumping skillz?
Record your Scooter-Jump-Style video and show the world what you got. The best performers get on stage with Scooter @ one of their live-shows! =)

That's the way your participation works:

Step 1:
Record your „Jumping all over the world“-Jumpstyle-movie - via PhoneCam, DigiCam, WolfCam...doesn't matter!

Step 2:
Upload the vid to your profile!

Step 3:
Add "Scooter" to your friends!

Step 4:
Post a comment containing your video with the title "On stage with Scooter"

Step 5:
Decide where and when you wanna be on stage!

-> Deadline = march 15th


peace <3
n1ce rl fake!
very n1ce!
jumpstyle is for r-tards k thx
ill try to make one next time im drunk np4me!
scooter is crazy + nice vids (jumpstyle ftw)
jumpstyle is shit
fu, jumpstyle = shit
all jumpers should get run over by a horse, get cancer in the meanwhile and then get torn into pieces by an airplane.
lucky you arent GOD!!!
am this close | |
hellow finkreghz :]
hi, they all hate <3 jumpstyle <3 =(
i like some, and some i dont :x
omg jumpers shud die
jumpers are gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay and cant dance.
thats why they jump
Lol Jumpstyle is fucked up dance!

Better like to dance with a girl from behind!
Riding my dick against a nice ass of a girl.

Thats my style of dancing<3

Sorry Frink but i can't share the same opinion now!

To CF admins this isn't abuse of language.
Its a explanation of how the dance goes:P!
2 late, jumping is not cool anymore
yes it was nice when no one knew about it yet, before the commercial crap tracks and the hype
jumpstyle ftw, tho Im not doing it myself, noway, too rl for me:O
scooter = straight bullshit only kiddos are listening too imo
take patrick jumpen !111111111111 hes so pro11
scooter xDDDD
hahahahahaha :DDDDDD
Scooter owns but jumpstyle sux :o)
scooter is a fukking faker, eg what is the question or how did this song called? whatever...he faked partyanimals - how do u do

and the jumper @his vids cannot jump, looks like if the jumpers are really bored of it. songs are boring too, so i wont support it.

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