Book of Retardness

Do you know the name of the song?

Prize: Book "Retardness" by RazZah,malczik,KiL|3rBoY,Kito. How to not pretend and be retarded in all ways.

Quoted from some unknown random.

2 Questions:
1st RazZah,malczik and Killerboy do we wanna write that book?
2nd Would anybody buy it?
u cannot even read m8 & neither me.. so no&no
japa randomy
i would buy it fo sho!
i cant see the fun
Then you are blind.
PL would buy errh steal it
I only buy it if it has 1337 pages
most retarded xfire users gather in this journal
very nice thx mate :>
Spree is missing
i think spree will be a good addition to the book, maybe he can share some of his philosofy
sorry guys, but i agree with perforator
no doubt about that
you have just prove why you should be in the book!
hahaha...sounds good :D
got me there
sad that u try and get know for being retards.
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