: ))))))))
anyone want free prizes?
5 Mar 2008, 21:13
just gotta have enough time to learn crysis maps and pwn some nubs
edit: there's 9 clans in the crysis 6o6 ladder, first place @ 1014 points
just gotta have enough time to learn crysis maps and pwn some nubs
edit: there's 9 clans in the crysis 6o6 ladder, first place @ 1014 points
:O 6000 euro
wtf at those prizes
vittu sä fredd näytät tyhmältä
first u have to buy crysis :XD
U can download it aswell @ Mininova Or is that Demo Or Unpatched only at online?
yes, and a computer to run it. Then you can win another high end PC next to your already existing one!
i can run it o0
talking bout people who already bought a high end system for crysis, just found the prize a bit ironic :P
i dont have a high end pc :((( but ye the prize is fucking high :x