S04 with biggest success in history! Real sux...

Manuel Neuer was ze Man! Kung-Fu-Keeper ftw!
As Mathias Sammer said: He is the one for germanys NT after Lehmann finally retires!

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Referee was a disaster, right? The red card...no red card for Portos goalkeeper and and and...

and REAL is OUT!!! omg Schuster...

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He´s gonna loose his job at the ende of the saeson imo...pretty sad ://
neuers bad games > his good games and sry, but enke > neuer :>

bibuy schuster! sad but true
That is bullshit. Just check his age. His talent is unbelievable and he will be one of the best keepers worldwide soon. His reflexes are just great and the weakness after high balls and distance shots is up to his age and missing experiences. Remind of Enke, when he was the keeper of gladbach suddenly. He had the same problems.
i didnt said, that he is bad,but he just dont have the experience to play 4 NT. maybe in a few years, if his goalkeeper skill is stable
since he made it possible that schalke recieved the biggest success in history u´ll stand alone with this opinion...at least since yesterday ;)
huh? i talked about his stability. he did a great job yersterday, no question, but he needs more stability to play i.e. the EU championschip
oops, replied to "neuers bad games > his good games"
he had 3 or maybe 4 bad games within the time he is Nr.1 (1,5 years)...not that bad imo...but good stuff for german press...thats all imo...
yeah maybe u are right, but i just dont believe that he got the experience atm to play 4 german in NT....

1. lehmann 2. enke 3. neuer, but im Hannover fanboi :>
atm right :)
imo Lehmann, Hildebrand, Rost/Enke

after EM08:
yes, but hildebrand won't be #1 for long... :)

The UEFA CUP win was a bigger success in 1997. I need to admit that it was also kinda lucky, but Porto was at least so bad as schalke in the first match and if u take a look on schalke's bad case then it is deserved.

I hope Schalke will face Istanbul, any other team will be tough, at least they have to be play better to have a chance against the other teams.
100% agree
i was also wondering why everyone was talkin like Quarterfinals CL > UEFA Cup champion

tbh Neuer, Adler, Rensing...german goalkeepers will be Top of Europe like they were for the last 20 years! Compared to England or if i have a look at Demirel (turkey) or Brazil germany can feel very comfortable :)
I don't think Rensing is that good...but you're right, especially with Adler & Neuer.
nice talking bullshit demirel did a bad job at the beginning but he held 3 penalty shots... thats what counts

i hope next round will be shalce 00 vs. fenerbahce and then we can say bb shalce
yeah, as we got it already with Galatasaray xD
come on, both of us know that he would be dead today without those penalties. u cannot be proud of sth u r responsible for ;)
haha ye that might be true that he would be dead now but i repeat HE DID A GREAT JOB !!!!

just wait for the 14th of march (i guess) there is the drawing and i hope that fenerbahce will play against schalke so we have a reason to spam here :))

ps: menso is a nup!
Schalke !!!!!!!!<3
good win for schalke but if they dont draw Fenerbahce who are the weakest team remaining you'll be out next round the other teams are to strong
Fenerbahce could do two great games and chelsea could do 2 shitty games, so i think there is no difference which team Schalke will draw...
schalke did`nt play well tbh
true madi you never know knock out tournaments are always unpredictable but chelsea have been very solid in the past few months only the poor game chelsea lost was spurs in the carling cup final anyway not to fushed tbh everton fan so uefa cup for me :p
This might have been the best goalkeeper-performance I have seen live so far. If anyone on the pitch deserved to take the win, it was Neuer. But I am afraid, Schalke is the weakest of the remaining 8 teams, at least in their current condition. I can't see, how the might get to the semifinals. But u never know...

So what was wrong with the ref? Ok, he didn't see the red card of Helton, which was kinda strange. But the other red card was well deserved.
I agree with both your points even though I am a Schalke fan myself I think that the only team on the same level is istanbul atm.
The red card was also deserved as the tackle was much MUCH to high and agressive
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