Monkey Island / Indiana Jones

Dear Crossfire community

Can somebody tell me which is actually the best part of Monkey Island or shoud I better play Indiana Jones and the fate of atlantis?

thx in advance love yu all
play them all , simple
they actually take to much time and i wont motivated enough to play on when i would start with the worst part of MI :<
they are all great and their stories are connected so u cant just play the 3rd and then the 1st
well okay i will start with the first, thx man.
The Longest Journey > Grim Fandango > Sam & Max > *
I think Monkey Island 2 and 3 were the best ones, although 3 was a bit easy (compared to 4 at least). Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis is an awesome game as well, but its hard to compare them really.
IIRC Indiana Jones is longer and more difficult than Monkey Island 3, alhtough i played it when i was still very young so i could be wrong.

Personally I just finished Simon the Sorcerer 4, which was great compared to that stupid Simon 3D, but not as good as Simon 2 which was godlike. Now Im starting with Sam and Max Season 2. Finished season 1 and it was a bit easy and fast but still alot of fun.

But yeah if you find the time, you really have to play them all. :>
ye played india jones while sitting on fold of my sister :P

and now i want to play it alone
ye i love you too
son of a bitch detected!
both are great, from what i remember i enjoyed the fate of atlantis more :)
All great games, if you like those point and click games play runaway 1 & 2, which are really good and fun to play.
monkeyisland 1-3 are the best ^^
I think Indiana Jones 4 is the most epic one. And you can choose between 3 different styles how to play it, which will alter the puzzles. But as said above, they are all great. And have some eyes for the details, it's amazing how much stuff the artists put into 320x200 pixels per screen :D

image: guybrush
stop with the old games journals, you're making me cry :((

edit: you just made me go install rayman 2 lul
fate of atlantis was kinda cool :)
play css with me, now!
the curse of monkey island (should be 3). 1 & 2 are too old and with very poor graphics and no voices.
you can skip 'em and see the story here:
need linkz0r
as I lay crying
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